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What Is Intelligence?

Intelligence is defined by the Cambridge Dictionaries Online as the ability to understand and learn well, and form judgment and opinions based on reasons. Intelligence has been used by many people in there life. There are several kinds of intelligence, this include: learning ability, contemplative faculty and hands-on ability. Generally, people think intelligence is learning ability though learning ability is just a form of intelligence. Learning ability is divided into two parts i.e. memory ability and comprehensive ability. For instance, if a student is good at reciting, then this can be treated as representation of strong memory ability. On the other hand, if a student is good in mathematics, then this can be taken to represent good comprehensive ability.

Contemplative faculty is a very important part of intelligence which improves the development of a society. Assuming that a person has a good learning ability, and he/she lacks contemplative faculty, the person will do the same thing very well. The person can never create and develop a new thing or idea. This will make the society to lag behind in development.


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Hands-on-ability is the most interesting type of intelligence since it is innate. Nick, my cousin, when he was five years of age, went to water world for the first time. Surprisingly, he could swim, though with incorrect swimming strokes, and yet he had never swum before. This clearly brings out the fact that hands-on-ability doesn’t require any learning ability or contemplative faculty.

Intelligent is not fixed but varies from one person to the other. This implies that intelligent is in-born. One is born with a certain kind of intelligent and through various interactions with the environment around him/her, he expands the scope of the intelligence.



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