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The Sudan Crisis

Sudan is a country in Africa, which is officially known as the Republic of the Sudan. The country is sometimes considered to be part of the Middle East and is bordered by Egypt as well as some other Arabic countries. The country’s population is indigenous, which is a combination of the indigenous Nilo-Saharan Africans and Arabs. A majority of the population in Sudan adheres to Islam, and the Christians are predominantely found in the southern part of the nation. The country has a population of over 30 million people that makes it one of the most populated areas in Africa. The Sudan conflict known  as the Darfur conflict started in the year 2003 and lasted for over 9 years (United Nations Commision of Human Rights, 1966, para.6). The conflict began when the Justice and Equality Movement and the Sudan Liberation Movement blamed the government of Sudan for oppressing the Sudanese people who were not Arabs. The conflict is also known as the Darfur genocide. The paper highlights the details of the Sudan conflict in a more distinct manner.       

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Relation to the Human Rights Issue, the Main Problem, Extent, Affected People, Causes, and History.

Related to the Human rights issue the Sudan conflict is the matter of discussion of this paper. The conflict claimed more than 450,000 lives and additional 2.5 million people were displaced by it in the long run. The fact that this war left over 4 million people dependent upon foreign aid made it one of the most discussed wars in the world. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it is a human rights issue that is defined as the one that  is deemed  to  have  a negative effect on the life on an individual as well as the whole nation It is racism that stems from the Arabs acting racially towards the non-Arabs in Sudan. This relation helps to form a linkage towards the definition of the Sudan crisis and the racism that is being experienced in the country (Lockwood, 2000). The crisis has claimed thousands of lives as aforementioned and has earned international recognition for being one of the worst crisis that has ever been witnessed in the world. What makes the Sudan crisis gain more limelight than the other crisis is the fact that the crisis was brought about by individuals who wanted to call for peace, though they have never been given a chance to do so, thus leading to international recognition. Like in any civil fight the people who are mostly affected are the children and women who are vulnerable and cannot protect themselves unlike the men who take up arms and fight. This explains the other relation of the crisis to the human right issue. Consequently, it has a direct influence on the human rights issues as it is clearly depicted in the writing (Bales et al., 2001). The problem as aforementioned was brought forth by the fact of the numerous discriminating issues which are evident in the country and are mainly based on racial belonging. The fact that Arabs control most of the financial stations in the country and they have come out with ways and means with which to discriminate the Africans has evidently led to the disparity in the country, which have ultimately resulted in the fall of relations between the two races (Human Rights Commision, 1976, para.6).

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What this has led to is the crisis, the diversity of consequences of which on the nation was dramatic. Therefore, it is safe to say that the problem in this situation is the racial discrimination in the country. The problem can also be viewed from the point of view of the disparity and poor allocation of resources. The extent of the problem is immeasurable especially considering the fact that the war lasted for more than 9 years. What the war has brought forth is mass death.  More than 400,000 people were killed as aforementioned and what this has brought is panic and lack of development in the nation (Dagne, 2011, p. 23). Therefore, the war has caused a number of negative effects, presented by internally displaced people and refugees in the country. The neighboring countries for example Kenya have also witnessed the effects of the war since most of the displaced people have moved there as refugees ,straining the resources that they may have allocated to the citizens. Therefore, the extent of the war is immeasurable as aforementioned. The war has also affected the lives of those citizens who remain in the country since they cannot get access to the basic necessities and even if they gain access to it, they won’t have a leeway to get standard services. So apart from influencing individuals, the war has affected the whole society with a wide-ranging extent even into the neighboring countries (Lockwood, 2000). By this, those people who are affected by the war are aforementioned, but to clarify it further, the war has not only affected the locals, but it has also influenced the lives of the people in the neighboring countries. The most dramatic influence was on children, since they cannot fight. They have been killed in big numbers and some of them have died out of hunger. Similarly to children, the women have been affected due to the same reasons. . Hence, the war has had quite an effect on both. Another factor that can not be ignored is the one that the men have faced the wrath of the war.. They are the ones in the battlefield, who have lost not only lives but also have become disabled. The causes of the war have been abovementioned but to elaborate it further, the war was primarily caused by the discrimination of the non-Arabs by the Arabs. Considering the fact, that Sudan is a country with a mixture of Arabic and non-Arabic individuals, the  latter took up arms and started to fight for their rights, which essentially is what led to the war. Therefore, the war is not led by outside forces but the citizens of the country that makes the war an international focus (Moszynski, 2012, p. 603).

Activism In The Issue

There are number of non-governmental activists that have taken sides in the crisis calling for the end of impunity in the country. The most notable are George Clooney and Jalila Khameis, both of who have been radical in their support for the removal of sanctions that have been put in place by the Khartoum government towards aid workers. The two individuals have endlessly fought in terms of ideas on ways and means that humanitarian aid can reach the affected people and how they can be helped in the future. They have also been involved in crusades for the end of the war and therefore the two are doubtless activists in the war. The Sudan crisis considering the two individuals who have called for an end to it is not only a national matter, but also it has crossed borders, and gained popularity  amid international superstars (Dagne, 2009, p. 5). The individuals have employed a number of ways and means to combat the situation, including rallies and hunger strike, which caught the attention of many governmental organizations in the world. One thing that is notable is that they are not funded by any government and whatever they are doing is based on the personal belief, making their warring path quite interesting. Although they have been arrested a number of times for doing whatever they felt is right, the activists have not given up hope for the better. It is because of this that they are recognized as international activists concerning the Khartoum issue (Moszynski, 2011, p. 40).

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A Human Rights Framework For This Social Problem

As aforementioned, human rights are the rights that are essential for the lives of individuals for the sustenance of their daily lives. Consequently, in order to study the Sudan crisis it would be in line to come out with a framework that is adherent to the human right. The international human rights violations are numerous, and in this case, the first that should be pointed out is the right to life. There are a number of people who have been killed since the conflict started and mainly this has resulted in the violation. The number of people who have died in the conflict is increasing day and night, and this is the first and foremost concern even for the activists. There is also the issue of food and water; due to the war, the accessibility of the country has been of concern and what this has led to is the overall failure of human rights organization to deliver food and water. In addition to that, the country has suffered the effect of the war since the government is also acting towards the stoppage of supplies.  It is the government that has led to the crisis that has befallen the country. The activists who are mentioned above are working day and night to come out with a strategy that would ensure that the rights are not violated (Natsios, 2011, p. 20). Another issue of human rights violation is racism. There are a number of racists’ issues that have befallen the country and to be exact, this is what led to the war in the first instance. Therefore, the issues that have befallen the country are clear violations of the human rights. The main paper that is violated, concerning specific human rights is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that was signed in the year 1945 after the Second World War, in which Sudan is claimed to be a member. The Arabic treaty which has many of its philosophies related to the human rights charter in which Sudan is also a member are violated by the country in the war. These treaties are relevant as aforementioned due to the fact that Sudan is a member in them, not adhering to them, but breaking the laws. Therefore, it would be country’s best interests to come out with a mechanism of respect of the treaties that it signs. These treaties can be used to address the problem by imposing international sanctions to Sudan and the government, especially since it is going against the rules and regulations that it made towards the world and its citizens (Plaut, 2010, p. 19).    

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The Relevance Of The International Human Rights Framework To The Work Of The Activists

The framework that has been created above has a lot of implications to the way the activists conduct themselves. The activists that have been mentioned are in line with the issues that have been raised and this is one of the points that are to be considered in the situation. What has led to their fame in the field is the fact that whatever they have called for is recognized as an international issue and to add on, they have called for the change in the way the country treats its citizens. The activists are using all of the ways and means that they have to their disposal to call for the rights including mass rallies, which has led to their recognition in the field of humanitarianism. The individuals have called for the alignment of the issues towards better Sudan and also called for peaceful negotiations between warring functions (Smith, 2011, p. 172). Therefore, they have used all means and ways that they can towards making peace in Sudan.. They are using all of the applicable mechanisms that have been identified. The activists are using the sources, which they have at their disposal. It is because they cannot fight the government of Sudan physically, but they can do it ideologically, and that is what makes their war peaceful compared to the one that is being wedged on by the Sudanese government. It is also interesting to note the fact that individuals are using personal resources and the Internet to fight since that is the best they can do. However, whatever they are championing for has a great impact in the course. It is impossible for the fighters to come out with strategies that are not centered towards their international achievements and that is why the way t they are attacking the government is quite fruitful. The activists are also calling for the government to allow the passage of food and water towards its citizens and not sabotage it. The international recognition that they have received is also a helping factor and individuals have been given a number of resources to combat the issue and therefore, it is in line to note that they are doing all they can (Badmus, 2009, p. 369).                   

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In conclusion, the Sudan crisis has led to a number of both national and international issues, the latter of which are violations of the international human rights. Therefore, the country should look for ways and means in which it can align itself towards making the life of its citizens better. The crisis has led to a number of issues but pertinent in them is death, which is witnessed all over the nation. Therefore, the active participation that has been shown by individuals like George Clooney has acted towards the betterment of the country, This is one of the strong points of the movement. It would be in the interests of each and every individual in the society to come up with a mechanism with which he or she can personally ensure that he or she is not violating the rights of the other person. All of the countries in the world should also learn from the war in Darfur to come out with a mechanism through which they can prevent the crisis-taking place in the countries and the people who are suffering should be given a haven through which they can console themselves. 


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