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The Planned Effort

Employee training is the planned effort, aimed at facilitating employees to learn job related skills and the expected employee behavior. To ensure that the employees gained the required skill to perform their tasks, the company can improve its workforce productivity and run its operations efficiently. The company’s training programs are aimed at helping the organization address improvement in staff performances and address any existing gaps in its employee’s performance. All training programs should be discussed with the targeted employees and be directly linked to performance expectations. The training programs start with induction programs for newly hired employees. Then, during the on-the-job training for new recruited employees, the company should also conduct the skill base training for its existing staff, to ensure they are updated on new developments in their particular fields (Bohlander, 2010).  All new employees should undertake the orientation program, which should include the company’s vision and mission. The new employee orientation should also include the company’s payroll, and benefit practices and processes, as well as the human resource procedures and the company policies. The training needs for the company’s employees should be developed from the employee performance appraisals. This should ensure that the organization does not spend resources on unnecessary training programs. In addition, the company shall regularly conduct leadership training, team building programs and workshops, for all its employees to ensure the performance improvement (Walsh, 2010). Periodic Stress management programs, presentation skills, conflict resolution, emergency preparation and cross-cultural programs should also be carried out to enhance good interactions between the company employees.

  • New Employee Orientation

All the company’s new employees should be undertaken through an orientation program aimed at inducting them to the company’s mission, vision and human resource practices. The induction program should also familiarize the new employees with the company’s policies, rule, regulation and payroll process (Berman, Bowman, & West, 2010).

  • Workshops and Seminars

The company will conduct regular training programs for its employees to train them on the new developments in their fields through the workshop and seminar.

  • Team Building Programs

The company should conduct periodic team building programs for all its employees, to ensure that there is cohesion among its employees. Team building exercises also aimed at improving interaction among the company employees and providing informal forums for the employees to interact.

  • Emergency Training

All employees should be trained in emergency procedure. The company should conduct regular fire drills and emergency evacuation procedures to ensure that its employees are trained to handle emergencies.

  • Specialized Training

For those tasks that require specialized training, the company should train the qualified employees.  However, if the new training required employee to attend courses in higher training institution, the company would pay the cost of the training.

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Development Strategy

       The company’s employee career development strategy is aimed at retaining the most talented employees. The company should ensure that a joint effort to upgrade its workforce skills, abilities and knowledge exists (Armstrong, 2008). The training program should provide   the company with a highly skilled workforce with an opportunity for the company employees to gain knowledge and experience. The program should ensure that the employees develop full expertise in their chosen fields and pick up new skills. Development programs have several stages which include the beginner’s stage, middle stage and the full expert stage. At the beginner’s stage the employees are taken through all the company’s operations, to familiarize themselves with the company operations (Gatewood, Feild, & Barrick, 2011). Career development should suit the job descriptions, company needs and employment contracts. It also aimed at enhancing employees learning opportunities.

  • On the Job Training

On the job training is one of the methods that the company should use to develop the career of its employees.  Depending on the job description, the company should ensure that its employees acquire the required skills. The program should also help the employees to perform their tasks competently and develop their full potential.

  • Mentorship Programs

The company should establish mentorship program, especially for the management jobs to ensure that it has the required talent. Mentorship programs are also aimed at ensuring that right candidates for management position are identified and trained, to ensure the continuity and a transition plan for the top leadership.

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Employee compensation describes the practices of paying salaries, wages and other benefits by the company to its workforce. Compensation is one of the main ways that companies use to attract and retain talent. Higher compensation by a company to its employees in comparison to its competition ensures that it can attract talent and retain its most talented workers. The company should ensure that it pays commensurate and industry level, to ensure it remains competitive. Higher compensation beyond the industry level can increase the operational costs, and reduce profits (Robert & Harold, 2011). Payment practices should, therefore, be in level with the industry compensations or slightly above the level to mitigate negative labor costs. Compensation, especially benefits, can be tied to job performance to encourage the higher performance. Compensation can be also used to ensure employees’ job satisfaction by showing that their work is appreciated. The company compensation policy should also communicate fairness. Employee compensation enables the company to have future prospects.

  • Salaries and wages

The company employee pay policy is compensation to employees with similar skills at the same level. However, contract employees should be paid according to the agreed compensation in their negotiation.

  • Overtime compensation

Employees, who have to put in extra hours to complete urgent tasks, require the overtime compensation. The company should have a policy framework to determine those who are eligible for overtime compensation, and those who should be exempted.

  • Compensation exempt status

 Employees who receive regular salaries and work for forty hours per week are exempted from overtime compensation, unless the management authorizes their overtime pay. Temporary employees, part-time employees and contract employees are exempted from compensation payment, unless under special circumstance and in emergency situations. This rule,however, is not applicable during emergencies or special circumstance, where employees may be required to work extra hours. Overtime compensation should be determined at an hourly rate and should be dependent on the employees pay level.  

  • Non-exempt staff overtime compensation

Non-exempt staff should receive overtime compensation pegged at one point five times of their regular hourly compensation. Overtime compensation can also be in terms of time off compensation for the hours worked beyond the weekly requirement. Overtime compensation can, therefore, depend on the employee’s preference.

  • Overtime limits

All the non-exempt employees cannot accumulate more than twenty compensatory working hours. If an employee exceeds this limit, he or she should be paid in lieu of the compensatory hours, and the exemption can only be approved by human resource manager.


       The company should have a uniform staff appraisal system intended to regularly perform the scheduled performance appraisals. The appraisal system is the forums that enable the employees and their supervisors to discuss their job performance, goals, skills and knowledge, required to competently perform the required tasks. The mechanism is also in a place to help identify performance gaps, skill deficiency and the areas that need improvements (Bohlander, 2010). All employees are required to fill and sign the appraisal forms, and submit them to human resource department within the given period. The appraisal process should evaluate the core expectations of the tasks performed. Supervisors are expected to complete appraisals of the employees under their charge and to sign the forms. In cases, where the immediate supervisors are unable to complete the appraisal, the next highest supervisor should perform the task.

  • The appraisal process

The immediate supervisor and the employee should review the performance appraisal. The employee is then given a copy of the appraisal and should sign the appraisal form, indicating that he or she has been offered a duplicate of the appraisal. They should also indicate receipt of the content in the appraisal form and acknowledge that they discussed their performance with their supervisor. The process also allows the appraised employees to write their comments and submit their appraisal within a month after being reviewed. In cases, where employee refuses to sign the review, the supervisor should ask another employee to witness the receipt. The witness should be an employee at the supervisory level, and should indicate the employees’ refusal to sign his or her appraisal. All new employees should receive two appraisals in their beginning year of employment. Temporary employees and contract employees are, however, exempted from this requirement.

  • Appraisal notification

Employees should be notified at least one month before the performance appraisals are performed. 

  • Late appraisal

Appraisals should be considered late, when supervisors fail to submit their employees’ appraisals to the human resource department ten days after their due date. Exceptions to this rule should be applied to supervisory staff on the official leave.  The other exception to the rule is when an employee decides to take the given thirty days to make comment on his or her appraisal. The completed appraisal submitted to the human resource department should be filed in the employees file.


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