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Incorporating Theory

This theory addresses the essence of creating interpersonal relations between the nurse and the patient. Peplau argues that this form of relations promotes health and the well-being of both parties. The reason for selecting this theory is simply that it describes therapeutic interactions between the patient and the nurse. Peplau states that when such relations exist, nurses are able to respond to the needs of the patient more effectively. The theory also depicts nursing as an education instrument that helps in maintaining a healthy society (Octaviano, 1995).

The theory describes four phases in which nurse-patient relationship are developed. The first stage involves orientation. This is where an individual feels the need to seek professional assistance from a nurse. The second step involves identification. Often, a nurse is a stranger to the patient. Therefore, the nurse should be in a position to create an environment where the patient develops a feeling of belonging (Abdellah & Levine, 1965). As a result, he or she is able to deal and explain the problem with ease. Virtually, interaction develops when the two parties introduce themselves. The third step involves exploitation where the nurse has to use various communication methods to offer services to the patient. The final step is resolution. In this step, the needs of the patient have already been met. Therapeutic relation is ultimately terminated (Johnson & Webber, 2005). Thus, by studying Peplau’s model, nurses are able to understand their nursing roles depending on the nature of any particular situation. Moreover, nurses are able to provide the best care possible.

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Through nurse to patient interactions, nurses will feel motivated. As a result, the number of nurses leaving the profession will reduce significantly. Nurses will have a sense of belonging and motivation (Parascandola, 1994). A favorable working environment will be developed in the provision of services. Interactions between the parties involved motivate one to love his or her work. Thus, the problem of nurses’ shortage is addressed in one way or another.

The theory can be incorporated into the project by recommending it as one of the solutions to the shortage of nurses (George, 1990). Nurses should be advised to study the theory in order to have prior understanding on how one should deal with the patient. This will contribute in making their work enjoyable. Normally, when one enjoys his or her work, the likelihood of leaving the profession is reduced significantly.


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