Competition is a contest that takes place between two or more people or groups and it comes about when both groups and individuals want to achieve the first position with or without a prize accompaniment that comes with it. The winner gets to enjoy the fame and pride of winning. Sports competition can be broken down into three subtypes which include; individual, dual, and team sports competitions. The individual sports include gymnastic exercises and archery; the dual sports include double tennis while team sports include competitions like football, cricket, and net ball among others (Thompson, Arthur, Strickland III & Gamble, 2010).
For my case, I am going to talk about the football team. For a team to be declared the winner and more especially the football team, there are various components of a sustainable competitive advantage that need to be observed to contribute to the team’s success. These components include;
- Following the football rules; football has got its own rules that need to be observed and followed by all players involved for it to be considered a fair game. For instance, none of the players is allowed to touch the ball with his hands. If this happens, the game is stopped for a while and appropriate measures taken. These rules are agreed upon by all participants and therefore violating any of them will declare the competition unfair and no team will be declared to be the winner.
- Practicing unity; for the case of foot ball team, they must experience fun, excellence, and have friends. Football is one of the beneficial sports and so its participants, family members, officials, and so on can participate in meetings and programs together as one family. Unity is very crucial for any team which wants to succeed (Thompson, Arthur, Strickland III & Gamble, 2010).
- Knowing the basics of football game; teams are categorized according to their strengths over time. For the case of football, fans know how to rank the Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea among others following their performance over time. Even the team members have an obligation to know where they fall so that they can invent new tactics of defeating those who are a head of them.
- Being conservative and predictable; this means that one can easily predict the position of the team in the coming competition. This happens by knowing the top teams and aiming higher to beat them. This information can be acquired from the websites like among others. These websites are always updated on the sports world events and they have got experts who offer analysis and predictions of various sports including the football game.
There are also four criteria of sustainable competitive advantages that include; value, rare, non-substitutable, and imperfectly imitable. In the case of value, a competitive team must ensure that it has something to offer that other foot ball teams and even speculators will learn from them. For example, the members must not possess the obvious tactics used by other football teams in a game. They must have unique and rare features that other teams are not aware of which can enable them defeat their competitors easily.
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These rare features must be non-substitutable to enable winning. If the competitor team happens to substitute their tactics, they will not be of any value to the team in applying them. At this point, coaches have got the responsibility of training the team taking into account these unique features that cannot be substituted. These tactics need to be imperfectly imitable and it is better for this team or individuals involved to create a competitive sustainable advantage by observing its performance, value, quality, and attractive styles of playing. Having observed all these characteristics, the team is likely to win the game. Most top foot ball teams of the world like and those with popular players like Ronaldino use the individual competitive advantage to win in various competitions (Thompson, Arthur, Strickland III & Gamble, 2010).
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