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Battle Royal

In life we all go through many challeges just to be able to achieve our dreams . Our whole life is like a battle . Some of this challeges are caused by factors like our racial backgrounds and the class that we occupy in the society .This factors determine how the society we live in would view us , how the high and mighty in the society would treat us and how we may be able to achieve our goals.

The class that we occupy in society determines how we lead our lives. If we are part of the lowly this gives the welloff in society the right to treat the us worse than animals. What for? Just for their own entertainment. we are used as toys, some of us are stripped naked in front of crowds of the rich.Making us lose our dignity. Others get blindfolded so as to fight with our own brothers for a meagre payments and fake rewards. we are abused just for their enjoyment.

Our racial backgrounds at times makes our lives misserable. We have to struggle greatly. Sometimes we have to lie all our lives, and advise our children to do the same in order to survive. Our goals and dreams do not mean anything to our fellow beings. Ecspecially the rich. When we want to show our talents or be rewarded we have to be used to please them. We have to participate in battle royals to be allowed to gives speeches so as to express our talents .Even our own brothers help crash our dreams. They knock us out in the ring for their own pride.Just because of our race we are called abusive names. We are not allowed to use some words in front of others.We are tricked into thinking that we may have great rewards yet what we get is pain.Even when sleeping our dreams destroy our hope.


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Life to us is a battle. For us to survive we have to counter this challenges and hope for a better and brighter future. A future where we shall all be recognised as equals in the society no matter our racial backgrounds. Where not matter how lowly the society will rate us, our dignity and dreams will be respected.



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