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Approaches to the American Economy

During the so called “Roaring Twenties”, at the helm of Republican President Warren G. Harding, the secretary of the treasury Andrew Mellon cut other taxes increased the tariff thus cushioning the federal debt using the surplus obtained between 1920 to 1930.This prosperity was again propagated by another secretary of state, Herbert Hoover who pioneered the regulation of business practices that fostered efficiency. The expanding automobile industry propelled oil and road construction industries which in turn boosted the business activities. The emergence of electric power industries brought a tremendous change in business. The Stock market, however, collapsed in October 1929 leading to the failing of banks.

1929 to 1941 saw the plunging of the United States into the Great Depressions. This resulted in to the falling of the money supply by one third. Huge increase in taxes was initiated as a stimulus to the nose-diving federal revenues. The rate of unemployment had hit 25 percent by 1932.


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On being elected as the US president in 1932, Frankline Delano Roosevelt had no special program. As a result, he came up with the infamous New Deal. This saw an increase in GNP from 8 percent to 1-0.2 percent in 1936.

In conclusion, the US can never avoid military action since it has got interest in other nation that it needs and wants to protect. As a superpower, it also exercises a veto power over other nations and therefore has been the target of terror gangs. In view of these and other reasons, the US may never be able to stay out of military actions.



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