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Content and Service Delivery

The first website has described the Community Missions agency. Community Missions website is quite wide and one finds much information on the home page though there is still more information by clicking on the information that one requires. It has included the founding time which is 1925 in the website. The Community Missions has always provided unique blend of community support, residential services for the adults and the youth, crisis and the referral. The services are given in cooperation with groups, other providers, churches, government agencies, and clubs. The service delivery by the Community Missions is quite recommended and standardized because the website has explained very well the performance of the mission’s community food and pantry in the last year. It provided more than 67,000 meals to the hungry people and also more than 550 people in crisis situation were given shelter in their crisis housing. The statistics are given well at the left hand side of the home page of the website. The community kitchen in the year 2009 served 41,751 adults and also 654 children. The food pantry served 2,801 individuals and 25,209 meals were distributed.The past events that were carried out by the Community Missions are well explained and highlighted in the home page of the website. These include the art auction held in June this year and a report is given. The gospel fest held in May last year is also well highlighted. There was also the report on the feet or famine walkers held in May of this year and also the sweetheart dinner that was also prepared by the Community Missions. We can therefore conclude that the service delivery of this Community Missions is very good and appropriate.

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The upcoming events are also well and clearly highlighted in the home page of the website. These include the canal fest duck race and many more others. This shows that the Community Missions has many services that they carry out and even sponsor in order to raise money for taking care of those that are in need of food, and/or shelter. This type of website we could say is a dynamic website because the information on the home page will keep changing depending on the events that are to be carried and the ones that have been undertaken.

The other website is owned by the “Family & Children’s service of Niagara which is a non-profit, private family service agency which has been in operation since 1895. It provides support, assistance, and strength to both families and individuals who are in need. The website indicates that they have highly trained staff who provide the helping hand which the people in need require. They have included their mission which states that their mission is to care for and strengthen adults, families and children who are in need through the provision of quality human services. The website also includes the programs and services that they offer, whom they serve and the port of asking any question one would have. The website also has the yearly reports which show and describe the performance of the agency.The website also shows that the agency has employment opportunities and also volunteering opportunities which are advertised in the website for the people who would be interested to work with the company. This website seems small but it contains most of the information that one requires to know about the Family and Children’s agency of Niagara. The information is contained in the small home page but more information is found when one needs it by clicking on the type of information one requires. We can therefore conclude that the two website compare a lot in terms of content.


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