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What Makes IDEOS Innovation Possible

Innovation is the process of introducing a new idea into the business world. Additionally, the creation and translation of the new idea is normally based on satisfying the needs of consumers. In most markets, an innovation must be something that they have never experienced and brings growth in the economy. Notably, there are two types of innovations according to the experts. The two types of innovations are evolutionary and revolutionary. According to businesspersons, they come up with innovations so to enable them compete with their business rivals. Relatively, the IDEOS Company too involves in several innovations so that they can meet their consumers needs. IDEOS Company is one of the major phone companies in the world and most people embrace their technologies.

This paper analyzes the applications that the IDEOS companies use to enable their innovations possible.

Notably, innovation is a tricky step in any given market since it may lead to the rise or the fall of the given company. Regarding that, most companies shy away from tying out innovations because of the fear of failure. However, the IDEOS innovations have always been possible and below are the reasons why they have succeeded.


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Firstly, the concept of trial and error makes the IDEOS innovations possible. The IDEOS phone company has involved itself in several innovations and they have always been successful. Regarding that, most people wonder why their innovations are possible. According to Kelley (2007), trial and error is the first thing that makes their innovations possible. Trial and error is whereby a person is not sure about a concept but they take risk to try the given issue. The IDEOS Company involves them on trial and error whenever they have an idea about an innovation. Unlike other companies that fear risking on innovations, the IDEOS Company has always tried that out and they emerged successful.

Secondly, experimentation is another concept that the IDEOS Company use to make their innovations possible. Experimentation is the trial of an issue that you have never experienced before. Relatively, just like trial and error, experimentation is risky and a company may mess with its previous organizations leading to their fall. Myerson (2008) asserts that the IDEOS Company studies its market well to understand what they want. After acquiring, enough information about what their markets expects from them, the settle down and tries it. Subsequently, after the experimentation, the company releases its innovation to see how they will react. Notably, some of the innovations that the IDEOS experiment are introduction of a new application in its phones and other technologies that other phone companies have not introduced. When it has experimented its innovation, they let out a few number of their devices to the market to know whether the people would embrace it or not. The reaction of people towards their innovation is what will determine whether they introduce it in the market officially or not.

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In conclusion, innovation is an ideal concept for any company. This implies that innovations enable a company to be unique and compete with their business rivals. The IDEOS innovations have always been possible due to various business tricks that they apply. Firstly, the IDEOS Company uses experimentation. Experimentation is another concept that the IDEOS Company use to make their innovations possible. Experimentation is the trial of an issue that you have never experienced before. After the experimentation of their new applications or other innovations, the release samples to the market to see if the people would embrace them. Additionally, the IDEOS Company use trial and error. The IDEOS phone company has involved itself in several innovations and they have always been successful. Regarding that, most people wonder why their innovations are possible. Trial and error is the first thing that makes their innovations possible



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