Clearly stated principles are the key tool that enables any organization to have a strategy for development. The principles provide direction on which technology and tools to use in order to spearhead the organization's project. There are principles that an organization should strictly follow in a bid to ensure workers high performance is maintained (Wheatley, 2003). In a situation where the organization does not put the principles into consideration, it may lead to wrong decisions made and the result is missing on a target about technology and tools used. The organization may end up not achieving the required performance due to taking chances. This article will focus on how Organizational Development Principles should ensure continued operation of a business.
In order to ensure the business continue standing on its feet, the application of the first principle of integrity is necessary. Integrity contributes a lot in ensuring high performance of workers and running of the organization's system. Without integrity, achieving high performance can only remain as a dream. OD strategy should remain intact on promotion of the workers integrity in an organization (McLean, 2005). Integrity plays a major role in ensuring stability and harmony that has a great effect on the life of a business. The principle of integrity is a key pillar that brings harmony, which eventually brings success in a business.
Another way to ensure business continues to operate even after the major employer has relocated to Mexico, is through ensuring workers remain committed. Commitment of the required resources makes workers stay focused. In many occasions, OD strategy has been applied without giving it a close look that leads to little or no commitment that may lead to no success of the organization. Commitment principle can only be realized through ensuring resources are well organized besides putting up a reliable communication system. The demonstration of commitment by the employer has a great impact on the employees in an organization.
Another OD strategy is application of versatility principle that focuses on making workers adapt to working conditions, getting flexible, being innovative as well as response to issues emerging within the organization's system (Burke, 2002). The importance of this principle lies behind ensuring that workers remains conditioned to achieve the organization's target. Versatility principle is build through creating a learning environment in an organization. The above OD strategy will ensure the organization remains at the top with high performance.
At the heart of organizational development principle is renewal of workers and making systems wok together. The principle of renewal is closely related to principle of versatility. In order to ensure high performance in an organization, workers in charge of system integration must keep being regenerated for automatic renewal to be realized. The organization can only achieve this through having a working technology and an organizational development principle framework.
Finally, in order to ensure the continued operation of the business, empowerment principle must be used so that the workers crave for high performance. This assists greatly in bringing stamina besides promoting the urge for achieving organization's mandate. In addition, principle of empowerment ensures vitality within the organization's system (McLean, 2005). In order for the people to be empowered, the organization must ensure that a well-established program is in place.
An equally important factor to consider is the time within which empowerment will take place as well as the results. The principle of integration brings on board how workers attributes lead to high performance in an organization. This can work well in an organization if an effective mechanism is established. The organizational development principle is indeed the first step that any entrepreneur should take in ensuring the business remains in operation (Wheatley, 2003).
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