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Memorial Regional Education Department SWOT Analysis

The memorial regional education department is a small department. Therefore, a small group of people is necessary to run the department. The distinct advantage of having a small number of staff is that it is easy to manage the employees (Mathis & Jackson, 2010). The small group of people means that there is a close bond between the workers of the department. In addition, a small group of people makes it easy to solve various disputes that may arise while the workers are in the process of performing their duties. Cohesion between staff of the group makes them perform their duties fluently.

Memorial regional educational department has a highly qualified team of educators with each having more than 20 years’ experience. High qualification enables employees of memorial regional education department to provide high quality services. Therefore, they are able to impart high quality and relevant information to their students.


Memorial regional education department has an acute shortage of employees. The department has only one full time and one part time educator. These employees are unable to meet the educational needs of students of the department. The department would be unable to meet the education needs of students of the department, should one of the educators fall sick or, worse still, die. Therefore, it is vital for the department to hire more educators to cater for any unforeseen occurrences.


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The location of the memorial regional education department makes educators and students walk long distances to and from the hospital. This reduces the productivity of the educators as they waste so much time walking to and from the hospital.

There is extremely poor communication between hospital staff and the education department. Hospital department staff view the education department staff as being unimportant to the hospital. This creates unnecessary tension between the hospital staff and the education department, which necessitates the management of the hospital mending interdepartmental relations between the hospital staff and the education department.

Memorial regional hospital has very rigid protocols that do not allow staff of the education department to participate in decision making in the hospital. Therefore, the hospital rarely incorporates the views of the staff of the education department.


There is a significant improvement in working relationships between clinicians and staff of the education department. This relationship promises to yield much fruit as educators would be able to provide practical knowledge for students. This would increase the relevancy of the courses that the education department offers (Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy, 2010). In addition, this association may be a stepping stone for the education department to forge close working relations with members of other departments within the hospital.

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The management of memorial regional hospital has decreased finances it allocates to the education department. This threatens to lead to a reduction in the quality of education that the department of education would be able to offer. Significant reduction in funding may even lead to the collapse of the department, as it would be unable to fund its daily activities. Lack of funding may provide suitable ground for the takeover of the department either by another hospital or by a college. This may lead to laying off of the staff of the department.

The hospital does not value the education department. This is despite the fact that the department may provide an avenue for growth of the hospital by engaging in various researches that would improve the quality of service that the hospital provides. In addition, the education department may provide training to medical staff of the hospital and improve their skills. The education department may also provide a source of revenue that would rival the revenue that the hospital department offers. Neglect of the education department results in prejudice of members of the department and cutbacks in finances that the hospital allocates to the department.



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