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In a business buying centre different people play different roles in purchasing decision. Initiators start the business process and the decision makers make the final business decision. Consumers have the buying power in changing the market direction of a business. Buying decisions are shaped by influencers who supply information to guide the evaluation of a substitute commodity. Controllers have roles of overseeing budgets for purchases, and the purchasing agents make the purchase order. In a medium-sized company the logistics impart information and flow of materials. Their role includes moving products, management of new raw materials, production and storage of finished products, and final delivery to the consumers (Doole and Lowe, 2008).

As a marker in Apple Computer, I will make sure that the company advances internationally by making wise business decisions. A marketing manager should ensure that products reach the end users through different paths; for instance, as one of the company’s brand name or a brand agreed for a different company, or a brand as a component of another product. I will ensure that the unifying bonds continue as the company’s unique culture. The company will make use of shared skills to develop efficient, high quality operations and services to include the investors, designers and marketers who have a dream for the success of Apple Computers. Thus, we will make international development in various countries such as India.

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Apple Computers have made efforts to maintain its philosophy of an attractive design to its advertising campaigns. Political analysis has seen Apple designing and developing numerous lines of products and services. The economic analysis has seen Apple opening various retail stores globally, which is potentially beneficial. Social factors include rights of employees, language barrier and race or nationality. The technological analysis has ranked Apple to the category of the best firms where the fortune is contributing to the success of the company.

The advantages of outsourcing include a significant cost saving. This includes the compensation costs of employees, office space expenses and other expenses associated with the company set-up. Outsourcing will make the organization emphasize on its expertise and core business functions. Outsourcing also enhances an improved product quality. This can be achieved by the use of vendors who are more specialized and have more expertise on a particular process. In addition, outsourcing also encourages customer satisfaction since the vendor contracts are bound to certain levels of quality and service. Finally, outsourcing enhances operational efficiency by giving an exposure to the vendor of specialized systems in the organization. Thus, this improves efficiency, providing a quick turnaround time, as well as higher quality levels.

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Outsourcing has certain drawbacks such as quality risks, poor quality service unless a contract identifies a measurable process for quality service reporting. Some contracts provide levels of service that save no costs. Certain obstacles such as language barrier may be caused by outsourcing; for instance, if a customer centre is outsourced to a foreign country that speaks a different language. This may lead to levels of dissatisfaction for clients having the language barrier. There are instances when outsourced employees have a lack of passion and understanding for an organization due to the culture shock. These individuals may not have enough knowledge on the organization and this is leading to clients’ dissatisfaction. Furthermore, there may be a lack of legal compliance and system security; for instance, outsourcing the functions of IT, and the outsourced individual utilizes their clients’ data for personal gains. This process may lead to the employees’ layoffs, especially when there is a need to reduce the staff levels. Thus, the benefits of outsourcing can be improved by using innovative outsourcing.


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