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KnowU.Co.Uk is a free online company, which provides advice for free on such issues as body shape, fitness, fashion, and beauty. This helps people to feel valued. It is necessary for people to know themselves. They must also love themselves if they have to have greater self-esteem and confidence. It also makes them aware of whom exactly they are. It helps people to achieve their goals. This website gives advice on how people can enhance the way they look. It helps to open more opportunities for them in life. For those women who are looking up to meet the man of their dreams, this website is the right place for them. The website will guide them on ways of achieving, just a perfect look for themselves.

Services provides online services to users. This means that one can access the information online from whichever destination in the world as long as he or she can access the internet. The website provides knowledge to individuals that will help them in life. The website for instance provides information to people on such issues as weight loss. This includes advice on aerobics and physical fitness. It also provides users with knowledge on how they can improve their looks to appear better. This includes information on available cosmetics for this. The company provides the information free of charge save for the amount the user spend by the in accessing the website.


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Market Strategies

We shall engage in extensive marketing of this website in many forums. This will reach out to clients in a miraculous manner so that they can access the services we offer. The reasons for this engagement will be:

  • To create enough awareness of the products in the market.
  • To seek for new markets and ensure the company maintains current customers
  • To improve on the image of the company as a whole, so that other products may also move.
  • To obtain as much feedback as possible from the clients concerning our services.

To ensure that customers benefit from the services we provide online, we shall engage in extensive marketing campaigns so as to reach out to them. We shall advertise the service on television and radio. We shall also present advertisements through print media, which includes newspapers and magazines. This will ensure the company is felt in different parts of the world. The next three years will also see intensive advertisements through the social media, which includes face book and twitter. This will, in an excellent way, reach out to young people especially the young ladies who need services.

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The company will also engage in practical, direct marketing. This is where it will send its sales staff to the field to educate people on the online products. The company will be in a position to reach a greater number of customers wishing to receive help.

The sales staff will also demonstrate practically some of the procedures online for instance procedure for weight loss. The company will thus get more in touch with its customers and in so doing will create a strong foundation on which to depend on in the future.

The Work Place

I expect one of the best places of work for employees in the coming three years. Employees feel happy about a work place when they: By this, I mean a place where employees:

TRUST the management of the company they work for.

Have pride in everything that they do. Employees must be familiarized with the product of their achievement so that they can have pride in it.

Enjoy working with fellow employees. Employees should interact freely so that they can enjoy work.

The company will ensure that the work environment is as conducive as possible for employees. The physical environment must be clean. There must be enough ventilation for employees to work with confidence.

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The company will ensure that remuneration is beneficial to all employees. Employees must be paid a decent amount so that they can lead comfortable lives.

Motivation of employees will also be done occasionally. This will be through additional benefits once in a while. Motivation will promote the spirit of goodwill among the employees of the company so that they work hard towards ensuring the company remains upbeat.

Making the Company different

In order to make the company different we shall ensure that quality is maintained. This will be our most important agenda. We shall remain upbeat in providing services that all our customers will be proud of. In relation to this, we shall analyze what our competitors are doing and ensure we remain at the forefront. Research will be a sure way to achieve this. We shall research the market and talk to our customers so as to get immediate feedback.

The company will also ensure it takes care of customers needs beyond the provisions of our memorandum of association. We shall promote the spirit of cooperation with our competitors and clients and meet some of their social need. Such things as scholarships for needy students will make us unique in the market.

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The company will provide training for its staff to make them better professionals. We shall organize seminars for them and also promote vocational training amongst our staff. Our staff will be trained on management issues and their areas of specialization. We shall also promote goodwill among them through inspirational talks. This will not only act as motivation to them but will also build their confidence and trust in what the company is doing. The HR department will remain focused and upbeat in this role.


The company as at now is a private limited company that is registered with the registrar of companies. The directors of the company are the major shareholders. The management is appointed by the board of directors in consultation with the shareholders. In due course, we shall incorporate other investors who may buy shares and get ownership too.

Competitive Analysis

Competition in business is a usual thing. Unless a company is a monopoly, competition is always expected. We are going to work towards facing this competition head on. In three years, the company will be the most popular site in giving free advice to online clients. Competition currently is from such online companies as The company is going to ensure that this competition does not in any way affect the way we run the business. The way to counter competition is to engage in extensive marketing campaigns for online service. This will include direct sales where the sales officers will go to the field to meet potential clients. Here, they will educate them on what we have on offer.

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The company will also ensure quality assurance from time to time. We shall have to get feedback from customers. We shall listen to them and get to know what they feel about what we have for them. We shall also seek to ensure that what we offer help customers.

We shall also ensure that the website is as user friendly as possible to customers. This means that they will be able to access it with ease notably when they need it. The site will also communicate in different languages so as to meet the needs of clients from different parts of the world.

The website must also be accessible to customers at all times. The company will ensure that the site does not fall short of customer’s expectations when they want to access it. Cases of inaccessibility will not be there. The able team of programmers and system experts will ensure that the system is in the desired working order at all times.


The company will expand as much as possible in the three year period. For this to happen, it needs funds. The company will engage in research on how services can be improved. This will involve experts such as medics and other health professionals. This process requires funds. The company will thus rely on ploughed back profits. This will be a secure source of funding since no refunds are required and no interests at the same time. The company will, however, in some instances rely on funding from low interest rate firms so as to meet its plans both in the long run and in the short run.

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The expected return for the three years is an amount not less than $50000. This is an achievable amount. It requires some little effort from the stakeholders to attain this figure.

Conclusion is a website that offers useful information to people concerning their looks and appearance. The company shall engage in intensive participation to ensure all the company’s users benefit from the information provided. So far, we have received highly positive feedback from the clients. is proud of its achievements so far. The company hopes for greater performance and expansion in the coming three years.



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