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Application to International Graduate Program

1. Please explain your understanding of the business function to which you are applying, and give two specific examples of how your skills and experiences will help you succeed (Maximum - 250 words). I am applying for Wholesale Banking department in which I have not only immense experience and knowledge but also passion plus energy to perform appropriately. Since the standard chartered bank wholesale banking deals with provision of services to large institutions like finance businesses, government agencies and pension funds; I feel qualified to work in this department because I have a wide knowledge and practical experience. I have a strong background in corporate finance, which I have attained through quality studies at both bachelors and masters levels. For example, at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Stuart School of Business; I performed excellently by attaining (GPA 3.75/4.00). Here, I studied Master of Science in Finance; specializing in Financial Modeling, Interest Rate Term Structure & Credit, Financial Economics, Options, Futures & related Derivatives. At the York University, Schulich School of Business: Toronto, Canada I attained a strong score of (GPA 6.8/9.0) , in Bachelor of Business Administration; where I specialized in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, Accountings, Corporate Finance, Investment, Statistics, Mathematics Interest Theory & Finance and Database Management. My role at Samsung Fire & Marine: Seoul, Korea, in the capacity of Present Investor Relation Associate has given me useful experience necessary to excel in this program. Some of my responsibilities included finalizing and disclosing the company's financial results and preparation of annual investment conferences. In addition, I like competition because it inspires me and I believe this program will avail the chance to enjoy a competitive environment.


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2. The International Graduate Programme spans across 20 different countries - please tell us how you will be an effective global colleague (Maximum - 250 words).

I have had the privilege to live in different countries with diversified environments, people, culture and lifestyle. All this has been made possible because of my studies plus the various job/internship exposure opportunities during and after the studies. For eight years, I lived in Canada while studying at high school and university levels. I got a great chance to interact with the people of Canada where I learnt to incorporate the culture of the Canadian citizens and interact freely at all levels in life, during my 8 year stay. I have also spent some good time in Hong Kong, approximately six months during a student exchange program. Here I also got the chance to interact with Hong Kong students plus other citizens of the country from all walks of life. During the summary of my abroad study program, I had the chance of being to Hungary and Czech for one month. For two months I stayed in Germany working as an intern for HSH Nordbank, where I encountered challenges related to banking in the Germany industry plus the corporate institutions that the bank deals with. In addition to these periods of stay in the different countries, I have also traveled widely to more than 20 countries, meeting with different people. These experiences in different countries across different continents of the world have given me more than enough exposure to different environments. This will make it easier for me to work properly and efficiently with the rest of my global colleagues.3. What differentiates you from other candidates? (Maximum - 250 words).

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The fundamental unique feature that differentiates me from other candidates is my proven relevant financial background, backed by an outstanding academic track record with strong grades. In addition, I'm practically analytical with the ability to look into complex financial conditions to eventually arrive at fitting solutions. Another element that makes me different is my exclusive interpersonal skills. This is demonstrated by the fact that I have studied and worked in different countries worldwide. Some of these environments can prove extremely challenging for a foreign student or professional and these are attributes that can contribute to one's failure. However, I managed to interact to highest of standards with all persons in high school, university and at the masters level as well; consequently succeeding with excellent grades from high school up to masters. The ability to interact with persons has opened me into a high powered network of people, which is an outstanding achievement since a strong network is crucial for success in such profession. Above all, I am extremely easy to work with, flexible and quickly adaptive to different working platforms. These qualities have played a major role in contributing to the kind of personality I posses today. Just as an example of my achievements as a result of these features, I was able to get a chance in Samsung Fire & Marine in Korea which is a very competitive environment and only people with unique features can penetrate the rigorous selection process.



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