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The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

Why does Faust choose to kiss Helen of Troy when the kiss will seal his damnation? Is his choice real? If so, what does Helen symbolize? If not, why does he have no real choice?

Doctor Faustus is considered an examination of Humanism in most of his approaches. He chooses to sell his soul to the devil for the sake of power and knowledge. Faust decided to intentionally seal his damnation despite the fact that he had the ability to choose restoration. His choice to kiss Helen of Troy is a move that he would have avoided should he have chosen to keep his moral standards. Faustus is portrayed as a morality player in the poem. His choice to kiss Helen of Troy is an approach that emphasizes his role as the type of an early modern Everyman. In addition, it reads the 24 years which he requests an allegory for a spiritual journey. This he does in the whole of his adult life. “In every instance that Faustus is offered a chance to make a choice, he is given deadly choices; he is tempted to deadly sins. This makes Faustus begin to oscillate between hope as well as despair. Eventually, Faustus chooses to follow a path that is committing his soul to everlasting damnation.” Furthermore, the audience bears witness to how his choices are shaped.

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This is an approach that considers an explosion of secular education, as well an insatiable desire for knowledge leading him to the end of his learning. In addition, this leads to a dangerous contemplation of forces that lie beyond earthly knowledge. This type of approach emphasizes the kind of limits of knowledge that are imposed on Faustus; as well considering his appetite for overcoming the worldly learning as a threat to the established academic view of education. This system privileged the pedagogical intensions of heaven beyond all types of learning. “The humanistic study in this case represented a clear danger to the superiority of the church.” This is as a result of the emphasis on empirical knowledge which endangered the sort-based learning that had been at the root of European education in several years. This act faultlessly incorporated theology with the socio-economic and political arrangement.

The purpose of his role in the play is to educate the audience and as well inspire them. They are to choose to lead a life that is directed by Christian morality and combine it with fear of God’s condemnation which results from sin and the threat of hell. Faustus approach is a symptom of Protestant or Calvinist despair, and as well an attempt of provoking God into empirically proving his power and presence. In addition, it is an approach associating Faustus’ deliberation with spiritual despair. It also symbolizes his self-imposed limit of 24 years as a spiritual response to an overwhelming fear of nihilism, as well as the rejection of God . Helen and the approach of using spectacle plays in the action of play are of significant importance. They help to explore connections between the alignments between the theoretical elements of magic in the text. Despite the fact that Faustus and Marlowe frequently remind the audience of the flimsiness of the spectacles presented, they retain an allure that tempts Faustus and thus encourage audience to imagine what they could do should they be in such a situation. The audience is uneducated just as the case with morality tradition; but might be seduced into imagining how an individual may make the same deal and escape the fate that Faustus faced. Helen of Troy is the figure over which the Trojan War was fought. She is deemed to be the most admirable woman in history at that time. In addition, Faustus makes her appear before his colleagues. Furthermore, Faustus makes a request to the Mephistopheles to allow him to have her as his lover.

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Faustus makes the choice to kiss Helen of Troy as a real choice despite the fact that he has other options. This helps in the development of the theme of sin. This is because throughout the story he makes wrong choices when it comes to his lifestyle. The initial sin leading to his down fall is greed. This leads him to making a pact with the devil. “In addition, magic plays a major role in the entire play. Faustus downfall begins with his love for knowledge which is the reason for his choice to consult magic. The result of this is that he is torn between good and evil.”

Faustus is overwhelmed by the praise that he gets for being a genius, supporting his need for a special power. He goes an extra mile using his power on a dragon and playing tricks on people with the very power. In his final hours, Faustus summons demons with magic to come to his rescue. His decision to summon Helen of Troy to come to his rescue in the last minute is not that he had no other option but because he refused to make the right decision at an earlier stage. The choice to use magic is not just to show that he needed help. He chose to use magic to show that he is demoralized. Faustus no longer wanted to be a mere mortal, he wanted the strength that would make him be as strong as the devil himself.

Helen of Troy is used to symbolize a redeemer and that he still had a chance to be redeemed. Faustus battle between good and evil is used by Marlowe to imply that there is still chance for redemption for anyone despite how far we may have gone away from God.


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