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Conception by Kalisha Buckhanon

Conception byKalisha Buckhanon, is a book that addresses the issue of teenage pregnancy is a method that one can consider to be bold. The story is based on the life of a young girl who is from the African-American heritage she is deceived by neighbor who lives next door and is married and exploits the circumstances of this vulnerable girl. The story also addresses the issues of the young child that the girl is carrying in her womb.

The story talks of a society that believe that every Black girl should never have good lives and they should always be single and raise children without a husband or a boyfriend just like Shivana mother did. Before she was visited by Aunt Jewel who was very beautiful and was regarded to be a woman of free spirit, Shivana had spent a lot of time in desperate struggle in an attempt to understand what life offers especially with the difficult environment she had grown in which was full of pain. Unfortunately things did not turn out well as she soon becomes pregnant with a man who is not only older but also married. Though very young she has to make a crucial in regards to the life of the young baby she was carrying. She is forced to commence a journey into adulthood and her only guide being the strange voices inside of her that guided her.


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Shivana Montgomery is a girl who is aged fifteen years; she is very lonely and seeks to feel the void of her loneliness by seeking the companionship of Leroy who is married to her boss. Shivana Montgomery is a babysitter for Leroy’s baby they live next door to where she lives. They begin a relationship and engage themselves in a sexual affair, though the sex with Leroy is described as unsatisfactory, she later discovers that she is pregnant. The baby Shivana she is carrying in her womb informs or airs its own experiences and expresses its wish to be born. Using the spirit voice from the unborn child, Kalisha Buckhanon attempts to entertain and also inform the audience by introducing new stories in the main story. while the baby is in conceptions Darlene, and others who were slaves, spirit of the unborn baby always complained of denial from its fundamental right to be born. Shivana is requested by the unborn baby for acceptance and love, but Shivana, does not want to keep the unborn baby to full term and prefers abortion only that she has no cash to help her secure for abortion.

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At home Shivana's life is very difficult as they do not get well with her mother who was also a single mother. Aunt Jewel attempts to assist her, though she is still in a relationship with her boyfriend and attempt to make life for her a little better. Rasul who is a friend who lives upstairs is interested in Shivana and works hard to plead with Shivana to keep the unborn baby. Rasulis also black and also very lonely and lives with his uncle and working very hard so that he can get some good education

After some time Shivana get the money she desperately needed to secure abortion but it does not happen as she had expected as the spirit of the unborn baby eventually prevails over her and she decides to join the home mothers. In the novel Conception, it cleary shows of a story of a young woman and due to the difficult circumstances people take advantage of her and misuse her young she is torn and does not know of what to do. It shows of how people fail to take responsibility for their action and are left untouched as others suffer.



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