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Autobiographical Paper

Chiropractic is a physical condition care occupation that deals with establishment, curing and inhibition of disorders of locomotion system and their effect on overall fitness. This disorder can be avoided by application of professional medicinal methods such as physical therapy, like handling of joints, spines and soft tissues.

Moreover, to carry out or even to get enrolled in such a program you must have dedicated good hours for its study, and students must have best minimum score in their grades; for instance, in the United States of America an undergraduate program must have ninety hours of lessons in a semester and students must have a mean grade point of three on a four scale. Chiropractic is one of the forefront occupations in the world since it handles issues from the most to the least complicated disorders that affect our daily lives.

Deciding on the educational establishment to continue my studying, I consider the environmental, physical and economical nature of the institution. The eco-friendly nature of the main campus located at Davenport, Iowa, is very appealing to me. For instance, the cool breeze coming from the world’s longest river Mississippi brings in the welcoming nature of the area. This only shows an individual on how cooperative, interactive and skillful the people in the campus are.


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In addition, the physical appearance of the compound and its structure not only allow you to see the most thoughtful decisions about the area, but show how intelligent the professionals are. For example, the first structures designed in the early years, approximately 1895, are still standing, showing you how careering this community is; existence of modern structures indicates employment of new technology. The nature is also protected: the grass in the compound is well maintained, including the trees ranging from indigenous to exotic.

Moreover, the arrangement of lecture halls is very impressive as one can easily have affection with the overall institution. The library is fully equipped with learning resources such as journal collection of about nine thousand and more than thirty five thousand educational materials; there is a gross anatomy laboratory having camera mounted on the ceiling, X-ray positioning and physical diagnosis laboratory. In addition, it has a computerized learning centre with enough computers for students.

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Lastly, Palmer College of Chiropractic has been a centre of inspiration to many because of the known core founders and professionals Dr. David Palmer, Dr. B.J. Palmer, and great lecturers including graduate students from the colleges that are providing their services to the society.

In conclusion, it has been expanding to other areas at a good rate: there is Florida Campus in Port Orange, Florida, and West Campus in San Jose, California. It has all means of transport such as electric rail mode, water mode and air mode of transportation allowing for easy movement. In addition, it has the best doctorate degree programs even from the fact that it was the first institution to offer programs in chiropractic.



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