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Qualitative Case Study Methodology

The title of the article “Qualitative case study methodology in nursing research: an integrative review fits well with content contained in the article as it deals with the different research methodologies applied in nursing research. The article explores the different aspects of the topic in relation to research and how it applies to nursing. The abstract provides an overview of what the article entails and in this case, it really does provide a clear overview on what the article contains. The title summarizes what the paper is majorly about. The aim of the paper is clearly defined and the reader can identify the reason for the research from the aim. The background provides the need or the reasons why it was important to conduct the research and it is clear that there is need for further research in the field of quantitative methodology research because there has been an increase in the use of case studies in the nursing field over the recent years. The data sources and the methods used for the study provide an overview of how the data was found and the methods used for collecting the data. The data in the results and the conclusion is consistent with the data in the article and provides further information about the whole case study.


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The problem that prompted the research in this article is the need to provide further information about the use of case study by the nurses. This requires information that can provide an in-depth analysis of the use of qualitative research and case studies by the nurses. The authors identify provide an in-depth analysis of the data used in the case study while referring to the investigations used in the different phenomena of the study, (Filstead, 1970). There is sufficient background information provided by the authors stating the need for the research and why the nurses require more information and examination of the methodology and its current use. The background does not provide more information on how the methodology came about making the reader wonder when it came to existence and its evolution over the years. The aim of the study is explained in detail as the authors focus on the contemporary use of the methodological research and its integrative review.

There are many research articles of the topic from previous articles and they provide information about the origin of the methodology and its application in the nursing sector. Two articles provide details on the theoretical aspects of the QCSM and their outcomes are clearly defined in the article. The references used by the authors in the research article are currents as there are about 55 reference materials printed in the last ten years and the number of references used from, the last five years are only four. There is a summary on what is known about the topic and is found in the section of what is known about the topic where the authors provide information about the current information known about the topic and what brings about confusion and what is not known. They also provide an in-depth of the challenges in the integrative reviews that need to be identified and clarified. The study is based on a theoretical frameworks and does not have any theory they base their research on. The research question are three namely where the QCSM have been used in conducting nursing research, why it has been in use, how it has been used to conduct nursing research and how the research has been reported in the field of literature. Research hypothesis or hypotheses

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The variables of interest in the article are the relevance of the content in the articles used in the research. There are no demographic samples used in the research. The research desings used in the article is non-experimental where the authors only use information they get from primary and secondary sources and compares them with no manipulation to the data. The non-experimental design is appropriate in finding the information needed to analyze the methodology, (Hamel, Ste%u0301phane, Dominic, 1993). The sampling criteria used in the research focused on the clinical practices and administrative roles requiring the author to be a nurse in order to provide detailed information about the application of the research methods. The researchers obtained the participants by non random means where they picked articles whose authors are in the nursing profession. There was no informed consent required to use the articles from the nurse authors. The review institution board was not mentioned anywhere in the article.

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The author did not develop the instruments for data collection, but got the idea from a 2007 sample review on methods for collecting research data. Ordinal measurements were used where the articles were ranked depending on the research and the details of the literature section. The authors justify the use of reviews to guide the researchers because it has details on the processes and had a well defined literature. Data collection was a one time thing. The data was collected in the office with the help of electronic searches in the internet for relevant articles. Data analysis was done by first extracting the data and then representing them in a numerical and textual manner. The next step was to data reduction and comparison. The data analysis was appropriately used.

The limitation of the study is seen in unbiased collection of literature content including the database indexing error and problems in acknowledging the QCSM feature when it comes to providing consistent information. The implications describe include the appropriate use of the QCSM in describing exploring and evaluating the professional interests in the nursing sectors. The article does not provide any future research topics. The authors did not generalize the findings and provided a discussion on how the findings of the QCSM apply to nursing and no other field apart from that din the aim of the study, (Anthony , Jack, 2009).

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There were no grammar mistakes of inconsistency in the article. The steps of the process are linked together and provide answers for the hypothesis. The study is of high quality and provides further information about the methodology. The study gives nurses and insight on what and how they can apply the QCSM in their daily activities.



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