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Definition of Scope

The scope of the paper appears to be well defined according to the topical description of the paper which seeks to provide an analysis of falls as a major causative element of prevailing fatalities associated with Construction industry workers.  Through its analysis, the paper seeks to establish the root causes and propose feasible solutions by establishing occurring factors (Huang & Hinze, 2003)

Statement of Objectives

The paper provides a summarized version of the main objectives of the analysis in the abstract. However, the author fails to discuss and provide an enhanced outline of the paper’s objectives when giving a description of the research methodology. The statement of objectives gave therefore been merely implied in the paper as opposed to giving a good description.

Author’s Original Contribution in the Paper

The authors have used extensive literature review to formulate their main arguments in the paper. The authors specifically correlate the impact brought about by costing element, height of building and type of construction in constructing the theme of the paper. In addition, through statistical analysis of the existing data using the respective statistical models the authors establish a possibility that age of experience may not necessarily lead to prevention of falls.


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Statement of Research Methodology Findings of the Paper in Practice

The authors have presented the research methodology finding to connect the current prevailing trends in fatalities with the required principles. The paper establishes that some of the causes leading to falls include inappropriate protective equipment, inadequate inspection practices of the respective construction works, inadequate training of the construction workers to enhance their skills and small scale projects have higher probability of accidents

Fundamental Positions taken by the Author

The authors maintain that the major causes of fatalities are not necessarily connected to the known factors, and that they are elementally based on the method, skill involvement, cost fundamentals and scale of operation.

Consistency of Author in supporting these Positions

The authors have been entirely consistent in supporting the positions they take through provision of factual analysis using statistical models, assertions from previous case studies and the existing guidelines on the practice.

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Assumptions made by Author in Developing the Cases

The authors took the assumption that the occurrence of case fatalities is as a result of the laxity with which the recent OSHA guidelines have been implemented (Huang & Hinze, 2003).

Questionable Assumptions/Arising Concerns

These assumptions have been fundamentally refuted in the findings since it has been established that there are other peripheral concerns leading to the causation of fatalities, which are entirely devoid of legislative concerns of the practice like initially insinuated.

Support of Conclusions by Research Results

The authors’ conclusions have been directly correlated with the research findings in various circumstances, for instance, when they quote that injuries  happened because workers did not properly use protective equipment. Note that this was one of the major findings.

Visible/Identifiable Errors in the Paper (factual and typographical)

There are various instances of omission of appropriate punctuations some of the sentences. However, there are no instances of factual errors in the paper.

Can Design Improve Construction Safety?: Assessing the Impact of Collaborative Safety-in-Design Process

Definition of Scope

The entails the critical analysis of some of the design elements that influence the status of safety practices in construction, while focusing on context specific issues regarding the integration of these design elements into a working formula for promoting safety. The scope of the paper has been clearly stated giving all the required elements.

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Statement of Objectives

The author provides the reader with a detailed description of the statement of objectives, which essentially form the core elements as follows: identifying key design factors relevant in construction safety, assessing impacts of current practices and indentifying the central role played by integrated design in improving safety standards in construction (Weinstein, Gamatese, & Hecker, 2005).

Author’s Original Contribution in the Paper

The author’s original contribution in the paper comes in the form of implementation of a focal review of the current state of the practice of safety in the construction domain through the infusion of professional interviews and industry specific fundamentals, for instance, focusing on the construction of D1D and LCS review.

Statement of Research Methodology Findings of the Paper in Practice

The author fails to establish a direct connection in the critical design fundamentals in addressing the research’s main concern, which is formulating an integrated safety mechanism focusing on safety. This is because the author fundamentally concentrates his views around the reviews and assessments carried out by the D1D and LCS review issues.

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Fundamental Positions taken by the Author

The author takes the position that during the design of a typical construction project, it is important to concentrate upon the integration of key design components by incorporating the required safety strategies depended on safety checking, detailed design, programming and technical review (Weinstein, Gamatese, & Hecker, 2005).

Consistency of Author in supporting these Positions

The author lacks a discreet and clear form of consistency on developing his arguments since he fails to connect the methodology guidelines with the running theme, which is essentially expressed in the main topic title as it potentially eliminates the concept of integration.

Assumptions made by Author in Developing the Cases

The author takes the assumption that during the design stage of a construction project there are key contextual issues, which are ordinarily overlooked due to the exclusion of these key variables.

Questionable Assumptions/Arising Concerns

Going by the assumptions stated, the paper attempts to bring forth some of these key factors that need to be included in the design phase, hence the author aims at fulfilling the importance of these variables according to the research methodology.

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Support of Conclusions by Research Results

The conclusions have been vaguely supported by the discussions through overreliance on the reviews provided in the paper, which consequently fail to establish emerging contextual issues.

Visible/Identifiable Errors in the Paper (factual and typographical)

There are no visible errors in the paper. 



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