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When you look to order a custom essay or paper from an online writing service, you are looking for a professionally-written, academically-sound product, free of plagiarism and errors. You are looking for responsive professionals who will answer all of your questions and concerns. You are looking for delivery according to the deadline you have indicated. offers all of this and more. We have been serving the writing of students from high school through graduate programs for a number of years and, quite frankly, we know we are the best in the business. Given that most of our clients return should be a testament to the quality of both our writing and our premier customer service.


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Specifics of Cooperation with Our Strong Team

Our service begins when you place your order. A single writer is assigned to your work – one who is a graduate-degreed professional writer and an expert in the topic field of the order. The writer begins from scratch and maintains continual communication with the client throughout the process. When the product is completed, our team of experts review it for structure, soundness of thought, correct sequencing, validity of concepts, opinions and conclusions, and, of course, grammatical structure. And still we are not finished. At this point, the work is scanned through our own plagiarism-detection software, to authenticate its complete originality. A plagiarism report is provided with each delivered piece (on your request, at a small extra cost).

You will find thousands of writing services on line that promise the moon but who, in fact, deliver wholly inferior products, if anything at all. These behaviors impact the entire industry and cause students to look for other solutions to their writing problems. Many students simply refuse to ask for essay assistance when, in fact, if they come to, they will receive the perfect solution every time.

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There are a few key factors in determining whether a writing service is truly legitimate, far before you place an order. First, does the service have a legitimate telephone and fax number? Can you call the number and speak to a live person rather than just a recording? These are your first clues, for an illegitimate and inferior service will only allow email communication. At, a live person will answer your call day or night every day of the week. This is our guarantee. You will always be able to communicate with us, no matter what the issue, question or concern. If you are in communication with a company that only provides an email address, send them some pointed question via email and look for their responses. If the responses are not in grammatically correct English, chances are you are dealing with a non-English speaking group of individuals who will produce papers through a “cut and paste” method or, worse, through direct plagiarism. Trust only services whose personnel actually use the written word correctly.

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We adhere to a simple marketing and growth principle: If we have a satisfied customer, he or she will return and, even better, refer others to us. This is how we have grown our business over the years. We want to run the scammers out of business and save this industry for the few truly honest and ethical services on the web. is committed to quality and to customer service. You cannot go wrong when you contract with us for all of your writing needs!


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