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Research Paper Rubrics

Research paper rubrics is a very common thing and those who do not know its literal meaning is ‘a document heading’. This article is all to inform you about how to structure your research paper. The way you organize your project will decide its success or failure.

1. Research Paper Rubrics. The Title Page

The title page must conform to the requirements of the writing style prevalent in the particular college or institution.

2. Research Paper Rubrics. The Abstract

Abstract is a curt and consice version of the research you have done in your project. We should try and limit it to 200 words. As it is a brief description, long phrases and passages are completely avoidable.

3. Research Paper Rubrics. The Introduction

This part of the research paper throws light on the proposed explanation that was based on the limited evidence we have. It must also include the various goals for which the paper is being written. Write clearly explaining why you are writing the research paper. Also, under this rubric we mention the experimental set-up. Last but certainly not the least, you should write the thesis statement.


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4. Research Paper Rubrics. Materials and Methods

This rubric lists all the unusual equipment that we have utilized in our reseach. List the specifications of all the drugs or its substitute you have used. The sub-section of this rubric is the Methods which gives details of the practical process involved in reseach. Procedure should be chronological and done in a detailed manner and lead the readers to the results.

5. Research Paper Rubrics. Results

The results are to be reported objectively. The obtained results are put up in a summary. Each of the results should be elaborated separately. Lengthy explanations about what we have received must be avoided. These can be analyzed later.

6. Research Paper Rubrics. Discussion

Now is the section to analyze the success and failure of the assumptions, whether our objectives were achieved. If the answer is negative, then we should explain why they were not achieved. Discussion section is the place where you discuss other different ways to solve the problem.

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7. Research Paper Rubrics. List of References.

These include titles of the research papers in our related field which we have read or any thesis we have made use of. The name of the author also finds a place in this section. A small thank you is also done.

8. Research Paper Rubrics. Appendices

Here we collect and list any graph, chart, bar diagram, images or any pictorial data.

9. Research Paper Rubrics. Acknowledgements.

This is your credit giving section to all of them who have helped you in your research.


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