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Law Admission Essay

Law is an envious mistress who demands constant courtship . You cannot win by petty favor but by dedicated homage.

Law is one of the best profession in which the student get knowledge of each and everything and come to know that what is right and what is wrong. Actually a Lawyer is a normal man but the only difference between a lawyer and a normal human is that the lawyer knows his rights and he can make difference between right and wrong and only this thing make him so powerful and fearless.

If someone want to become lawyer and want to study in some good college he have to stand in competition by giving enterance test but the first step is to decide in which university or college he want to study as this thing only matter and on this preparation matters as each university has its own level of enterance test . lets take an example if someone want to give test at Punjab level then the level will be different but if he want to give test in national level like for Delhi university he has to work really hard as the competition is really hard in that .
There are two Law courses available , one is after 12th and one is after graduation . If a student want to appear after 12th then he can give one test which is known as CLA . This is a national level law enterance test for top university of India but no test is there for 3 year, student have to apply for different universities.


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If some one want to appear for law enterance , most important thing is his general awareness which really matters , he should be sound in general awareness because it really has a more weightage . The second thing which is important is legal aptitude. {t_essay_3} this is the only thing which is seen and one can score maximum marks because this is the only thing which is seen and has limits for exam. After legal aptitude one should know about the constitution and political system. Mathematics also have importance. One should know atleast mathematics of 10th std that will be enough.
Now how to attend the enterance test which really matte . If you treat test as very dangerous thing then it is not possible to complete the test in time as the law enterance is quite lengthy. So if you want to complete the test in time following things should be kept in mind.
First thing is never attempt the maths section first as always take maximum time and it will make you confused and will increase your tension , the first thing which should be attempted is law aptitude , it will definitely increase your confidence.

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Things to remember for test:- always take watch with you
  Never try to cheat in enterance
  Never make guesses in exam  


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