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Fun & Affordable Ways for College Girls to Exercise

Your youth is the time when you have to learn how to take care of yourself and make good habits. For that, you should consider not only healthy eating, but exercising as well, however hard it can be after long hours of study. Make an effort for your body and health at least 3-4 times per week.

  1. Jogging. Many people are addicted to their so-called “runner’s high.” Why? Because you can see and feel the results pretty quickly. Jogging is a free confidence booster. Imagine yourself lying down after a jog, feeling the bittersweet tiredness in your legs and being so proud about yourself. Jogging will also help you to reduce your stress and clear your mind. Make jogging your hobby, burn calories, and improve your health.
  2. Rollerblading. Invest in a pair of good rollerblades that will cost around $60-80 if you are injury-prone and cannot do jogging. Rollerblading is good for your heart and much easier for your joints. It is also a good idea to use them instead of taking public transport.
  3. Yoga. It is more than a physical exercise or stretching. It is good for your mental discipline. Most likely, you will not require any equipment, since yoga studios usually provide mats, straps, and blocks. After several months of going to a class, you will remember the positions and will be able to do free yoga at home.
  4. Workout videos. Today you can stream workout videos free of charge through Pinterest and Netflix, finding any options to your taste. You can incorporate them into your everyday life and exercise at home. All you require is a little discipline. After all, you will need only 20-30 minutes to do it.
  5. Long walks or hikes. Form a group with your friends to walk or hike altogether. It will not only be safer to do it as a group, but it will also give you more motivation and funnier experience. Go hiking along nature trails to make your calves stronger and reduce your stress with the help of Mother Nature.
  6. Biking. It is not only a good means of transportation, but also a fun way of getting some cardio workout. In case you do not have a bicycle, you can rent one in a local park. It will be either very cheap, or even free of charge. If you decide that you like such an exercise, you can invest into buying your own bike.
  7. Get creative at home. You can do on days when it seems that working out is the last thing you need. For instance, you can do some jumps, crunches or push-ups during commercial breaks while watching TV. To make it even more entertaining, you can turn on some fun music and dance while washing windows, vacuuming, dusting, or mopping.

Use these ideas to improve your shape and health!


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