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Expository Essay

Expository essays are mini-lessons that put emphasis on key writing skills. It is a mode of writing in which the main aim of the writer is to inform or explain something to the reader. Expository writing is mainly to give information and this type of writing is mostly used by the students in colleges and universities. In expository essay, the main emphasis is laid on the topic. The example of an expository essay can be cooking instruction, driving directions, etc. In this type of writing the whole content of the essay revolves around the main topic. Some keywords are used in expository essays and even pronouns are used in them. There are different kinds of an expository essay such as:

  1. Sequence – In this type of an essay the writer shows the list of events taking place or he can also define a process of something, for eg. Driving instructions.
  2. Descriptive essay – It is a type of an essay which helps the reader easily understand the view point of the writer. The writer describes the importance of the topic and its various aspects. In this paper, the writer has to keep in mind many things so that the reader understands the writer’s will.
  3. Classification – In this one, the writer arranges groups of objects or ideas according to the main topic. This makes reading easy for the reader. Proper classification of ideas is done in an expository essay.
  4. Comparison – In expository writing, comparison shows the contrast and similarities between the two things. This type of structure determines which one is better among the two.
  5. Cause and effect – Cause and effect writing identifies the reason for something and it also shows the effect of the cause. In this type of paper, the writer tries to explain that there is a cause behind every effect.

An expository essay is meant to inform the reader about a particular thing. It is used for reports, biographies, information, etc. Through an expository essay, the writer explains his own knowledge about a topic to the reader. The writer has to place all the information regarding the topic in a sequence. He has to choose the appropriate topic. The topic has to be very exact. The writer should very well know the liking of the reader. In an expository essay, the content should be well organized in order to avoid confusion. Different paragraphs should have unique material in it and the idea should not be repeated again and again. An essay can be written on many topics such as admiring a person, the qualities of a particular person, teen issues, issues on education, operating instructions, etc. 


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Expository essays are a kind of research papers through which a reader can gain knowledge regarding a topic. In it, the idea is expressed in a very organized manner so that differentiation can be done easily. An essay is a very good source through which the writer can form a relationship with the reader by writing an essay on the topic of choice of the reader. While writing an expository essay, the writer has to keep in mind the interest of the reader. Therefore, an expository essay is a mode of writing in which the main aim of the writer is to inform the reader.


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