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Sexual Harassment a Menace in Business Organizations

Sexual harassment can be understood from several different viewpoints and can be defined as undesirable sexual requests, favors, and other oral or bodily conduct of a sexual nature. All these constitute sexual harassment. In organizational set-up, forms of sexual harassment do occur. Sexual harassment is wrong and requires effective ways of dealing with it because it happens secretively.

Sexual harassment is evident when an employment decision is made because the individual agrees to or refuses to cooperate in an unwelcome gesture that unreasonably interferes with the work performance of that individual or creates an intimidating work environment. Certain behaviors, such as promises of promotions, salary increment and training among other benefits upon acceptance to suggestions of a sexual nature are wrong. It is a violation of a person rights and result to the wastage of potential and talented persons who are threatened by the discriminatory act (Dromm, 2012).

W. Michael Hoffman, in his book, Emerging Global Business Ethics, states that sexual harassment can occur in a variety of forms. These include unwelcome jokes, signals, belligerent statement on clothing, and unwelcome comments, repeated touching and any other bodily contact. All these among others are forms of sexual harassment that interfere with a person’s ability to deliver his or her duties within an organization (Hoffman, 1994).

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Therefore, when an employee complains to the management about sexual harassment, an immediate action and examination of the issue should be conducted an appropriate measures taken. The management should involve human resources department in addressing the issue. Employees should know that they have a responsibility to report any form of sexual harassment to the appropriate channel, such as the human resource department or the court if the problem cannot be solved within the organization.

In order to deal with sexual harassment, clear codes of conduct for organizational participants including managers, directors and employees should be drawn and proper punishment mechanisms be included for such issues. Reporting mechanisms should also be included whether private or public to ensure that all employees and customers are protected from sexual harassment. The legal measures should also be made public so that nay person who is harassed can know how and where to seek help.


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