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Family in Nursing Care

Bellou, P., & Gerogianni, K. (2011). The contribution of family in the care of patient in the hospital. Health Science Journal , 2 (3), 3-9.

Bellou is a professor in Nursing, which indicates that he is qualified in the field of family care. Similarly, Gerogianni is also a professor in Nursing and teaches in TEI Athens. Their literature points out families have a significant role to play in the hospital treatment of patients. According to them, this is because families can offer effective emotional and psychological support patients undertaking treatments in hospital. In addition, these authors reveal that the role played by families is not only important to adults but also for pregnant women and children.

Nursing as a profession requires taking of patients emotionally, physically and psychology. Bellou & Gerogianni (2011) revealed how families can assist in fulfilling these roles. Bellou & Gerogianni (2011), as a specialists in the field of nursing, mentions that it his duty, as a nurse, to maintain a continuous contact with relatives and parents of the patients, and provide them with necessary information about the condition of their patient.

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Gottlieb, L. ( 2012). Strengths-Based Nursing Care: Health and Healing for Person and Family. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

This is book is recommended for each introduction to nursing care, including family nursing. Gottlieb (2012), as an individual holding a Doctorate in Nursing, points out that this is one of the uncommon treats that express what expert nurses come to experience and know in nursing profession. Gottlieb (2012) achieves the objectives of the book by providing clarity, insight and rigor to a key, though poorly comprehended, value and wisdom integrated in the best practice of nursing.

According to the author, this a practical guide for nurses on how to integrate the skills, knowledge and tools of strength-Based Nursing in family care. The text is based on a model developed by the McGill University Program and it signifies a paradigm shift from a model based on deficits, problems and pathology to a model focusing on family, community and individual strengths.

The theoretical bases underlying Strength-Based Care (SBC), provided by this book encourages the acquisition of necessary skills required for SBC practice among patient’s family. It also offer specific techniques, strategies and necessary tools for identifying strengths for facilitating healing and health of the patient while under the care of the family.

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Knafl, K., & Gilliss, C. (2002). Families and Chronic Illness: A Synthesis of Current Research. Journal of Family Nursing , 8 (3), 2002.

The first author of this article is a professor at Yale University School of Nursing. She teaches pediatric and doctoral nurse practitioner programmes. The research focuses on the response of the family to childhood chronic illnesses. She has been specifically interested in developing the notion of normalizations and styles of family managements. Presently, she and her collegues are working to develop and test an approach to measure the styles of family management. Recent publications of Knafl include Normalization Promotion in Nursing Interventions for Infants, Children and Families.

The second author, Gillis, is also a professor at Yale University, School of Nursing. Gillis has studied chronic illnesses and families for about two decades. Her work on developing the field of family nursing studies has assisted influence the field of nursing. Knafl & Gilliss (2002), as an adult nurse practitioner and clinical specialists, have directed primary care programs for over two decades. Additional to author’s enduring interest in family nursing, she has interest in leadership development in the nursing and eradicating inequalities in health status. Gillis’s recent publications include Recruitment and retention of Health Minority Women into Community Based Longitudinal Research.

Mitchell, M., Chaboyer, W., Burmeister, E., & Foster, M. (2009). Positive effects of nursing intervention on family-centered care in adult in critical care. American Journal of Critical Care , 18 (6), 543-551.

The authors of this journal article are qualified in the field of family nursing care. Mitchell has a Bachelors degree in Nursing and Certificate in Higher Education. Marion Mitchell is the deputy head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University. Wendy Chaboyer is a director of the Research Center Clinical and Community Practice Innovation. She has a Bachelors Degree in Science and holds a Masters in Nursing. Elizabeth Bumeister is a nurse by profession at Alexandria Hospital in Australia. She holds a Masters in Biostatics, whereas Mitchell Fosters is a nurse manager in the intensive Care Unit at Gold Coast Hospital, Australia. She holds a Masters in Critical Care.

The objective of the journal is to evaluate the impacts on family-centered care of having critical nurses collaborate with the families of the patients in order to provide basic care to patients. According to Mitchell, Chaboyer, Burmeister, & Foster (2009), families of critical care are passively involved in the care of the patient in meaningful ways. This journal acted as crucial source of information in that it affirms that a family-centered care approach formalizes every patient and the family as the unit of care.

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Potts, N. L., & Mandleco, B. (2011). Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children and Their Families. New York: Cengage Learning.

Potts is registered nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. This implies that the author of this book is qualified in the field of Nursing. Similar, also earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. However, she has a Master of Science in Pediatric Nursing among other academic qualifications that show her qualifications in the field of nursing.

There book provides an insightful and a dynamic guide for caring pediatric patients. The authors, Potts & Mandleco (2011), embrace a more holistic and family-centered approach to the nurturing and caring of children in all health conditions. They explore healthy development and growth milestones, and chronic condition. According to these authors, nursing care is entailed within the context of a family. Nursing is framed within underscoring the significance of perceiving children not only as individuals but also as family members. The general skills of nursing such as communication, assessments and health promotion are discussed under the pediatric framework in order to assist families and nurses approach children with informed comprehension of their health conditions.


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