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Abortion, is an act of violence that a mother inflicts on her own child. Through abortion, the mother becomes the aggressor, and this knowledge may haunt her long after she has dealt with the rape (135). I don't think that just because the mother went through a terrible experience like rape that the child has to go through a terrible experience like abortion. The mother wasn't killed so why should the child be? Can you tell just by looking, how a person was conceived? No. Regardless of how a life begins, each person is as valuable as the next. It is no different with reborn children's lives. They are valuable because they are human beings (137). Just because a person was conceived different from the way you were, does not give you the right to judge them as different. Now days, statistics are very scary to look at. The numbers are usually astronomical and unbelievable. Between 50 and 60% of all pregnancies in a year are unintended (Flanders, 13). The majority of American women obtaining abortions is single, young, and white (13). These numbers look terrible on the teens who are innocent and don't get pregnant. I think the numbers will just grow over the years. That is very scary for the future. The average abortion costs roughly two-hundred dollars. Although, prices may range from seventy-five dollars to nine-hundred dollars. Clinics are generally the cheapest and doctors? offices the most expensive (15). That is very expensive at a young age. Every year in the United States there are approximately 1.5 million abortions performed (Roleff, 31). 1.5 million is a numerous amount of children killed in a year. Of the 1.5 million abortions performed in the United States annually, nearly one-third is on minors.

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Many of the minor abortions are without parental consent or even knowledge (Cozic, 66). I think the parents of minors should at least be informed that their daughter is pregnant. If people know they can get pregnant and have an abortion and not have their parents find out, then what's to stop them (94)? Nothing. Teens will just keep having fun by having sex because they know they can just get an abortion and not have to worry about the child they created. There are many physical along with mental complications that come along with an abortion. One is a pelvic inflammatory disease. This is an infection which can follow abortion, and happens up to 30 percent of the time. There is inflammation of the female genital tract, especially of the fallopian tubes. It is characterized by severe abdominal pain, high fever, vaginal discharge, and in some cases destruction of tissue that can result in sterility (Lowenstein, 44). This is a severe disease and it causes a great deal of pain. Abortions may damage the cervix. The muscle could be torn when it is stretched open. The womb could be punctured by the abortion instruments. This could lead to later miscarriages, bleeding during pregnancy, or premature birth (Lowenstein, 44). If this happens you could never get pregnant again. Abortion prevents 3 to 5 percent of women from getting pregnant again (Lowenstein, 45). If you are a teen and this happens, your husband in the future may want children and you would not be able to have them. A huge risk women take by having an abortion is getting breast cancer. Joel Brind, from Baruch College said? Numerous studies show that women who have had abortions have an increased risk for breast cancer? (Roleff, 155). This study is very scary. ...


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