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With or Without Religion

Religion refers to a set of beliefs that relate to nature, causes, and purpose of the universe especially when perceived a creation of a superhuman being. It involves ritual and devotional observances to adhere to the set of beliefs and appease the superhuman beings. Religion establishes the moral codes of conduct that are vital for shaping a human character. Philosophers such as Kant doubted the existence of such superhuman beings by holding that science is the determinant of everything. The existence of religion would make people happier because they develop stronger purposes in life as asserted by their religious beliefs. In addition, religion enhances acceptance of various events among individuals, thus, enabling them to lead a happier life. On the other hand, lack of religion would lead to the loss happiness because of continuous doubts and difficulties in accepting natural occurrences.

This paper explicates the concept of religion and happiness.

Philosophers such as Kant wrote articles that immensely criticized the existence of religious beliefs and the worship of God. He believed in scientific happenings rather than the control by a superhuman agent. The existence of religion is vital because it boosts an individual’s level of happiness. According to Atherton, Steedman & Graham (2010), one can live happily because religion shapes up their moral character and purpose in life. Individual’s leading a purposeful life with a defined destiny would be happier because they have a sense of direction in the lives. Palmquist (2000) observes that this contradicts Kant’s belief that human beings’ destiny does not depend on the belief of a supreme being. Happiness is seen in a society where morals are shaped and everyone acts according to the religious codes of conduct. People would freely interact hence ensuring that a society guided by principles and the set purposes are achieved.


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The existence of religion would ensure that individuals accept natural occurrences such as deaths. Ferguson (2010) intimates that religious teachings provide that demise is an innate incidence that is determined by the Creator hence bracing religious individuals for such unfortunate occurrence. For instance, Christians are able to accept that God gives and takes away life. Thus, they would remain happier even as such events occur in the society. Atherton, Steedman & Graham (2010) report that those who believe in religion would be able to handle such cases easily by properly handling the deceased and burying them well. This is because of the belief in events such as life after death that naturally occur in the lives of humans.

On the other hand, lack of religion would result in unhappiness among individuals because of continuous doubts in their lives. Individuals who do not believe in religious beings have a problem in coming to terms with the natural occurrences. According to Kant, everything in existence including human beings was made through the acts of science. Kant (2001) intimates that individuals without religious beliefs would not likely believe in the existence of such events as deaths and would live lives full of doubts. Ferguson (2010) observes that they would be unhappy throughout their lives trying to find out how they could come into existence and how their destiny is determined. In addition, such individuals lack a purpose in their lives because there are no spiritual forces to offer guidance on specific rituals for appeasing God or the gods. Kant was objective in his assertions that lack of religion would enhance happiness among individuals because they do not have to worry about superhuman beings.

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The availability of religion is the only way to enhance happiness among individuals. This is because it enables individuals to lead a purposeful life that has direction and specifically defined goals. In addition, religion enables individuals to accept natural occurrences such as deaths because of the belief in a destiny and life after death. All these lead to happiness.

In conclusion, religion refers to the established laws that are created to govern the faith of individuals in a society. Happiness would most likely to dominate in the society with the existence of religion.



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