Code of Hommurambi was a Babylonian law code in the 17th century. It made a great impact in the Babylonian criminal justice system. Through this, it set a precedent for the future refinement in the codes of different cultures. It failed to express uniformity in the treatment of different Babylonians (Allen, 1922). However, its achievement was the recognition of political corruption that existed in the offices of the authorities in Babylon. Salic law, on the other hand, acted as a union in the common policy of the desperate people in the Babylonian empire. According to the code of Hommurambi, if a man accuses another one of laying a death spell upon him, he shall be put to death if he does not prove it. The same applies to the Salic law. This is because the two laws were formed almost during the same periods in history and both came from similar regional backgrounds that had the same criminal case history or issues. Salic law does not allow female inheritance whereas Code of Hommurambi does. This is because Salic law regulates succession according to the sex of an individual (Allen, 1922). No woman is allowed to inherit power or property from her parents. This is contrary to the Code of Hommurambi.
Just like the Jews, Muslims also do believe in monotheistic religion. Muslims believe that Muhammad was the ultimate and final prophet in the Christo- Islamic revelation. The Muslims also do believe that most of the religious texts used by the Christians are not accurate since they had been corrupted or tampered with by the hands of the several translators. This is because the Quran is written in only one language, which is Arabic unlike Bible which has been translated into thousands of languages across the entire globe (Scott, 2009). The similarity between the two religions is that their creation belief is similar as both trace their origin to the first parents, that is, Adam and Eve. According to Christianity, Adam and Eve were tempted by snake to eat the forbidden fruits. Christian, thus, associate snake with Satan. However, the Quran does not mention the existence of the snake but states that Adam and Eve were tempted by Shaitan (Satan), not snake. Christians see Isaac as their real forefather whereas the Muslims recognize Ishmael as their patriarch and ancestor. The Bible describes Isaac, Abraham’s son whom Abraham offered for sacrifice. Quran describes the same story but with Ishmael in place of Isaac. The differences between these beliefs are that both are mythological and religion is a way of beliefs by a group of people (Scott, 2009). . Believing does not restrict a person to a particular subject or Being. The Muslims that chose to follow the ways of Ishmael. The other reason for the differences is that the records of the two books were done during different time in history, thus, the accuracy of the original one or the latter cannot be trusted as the fact. The same reason also explains the variations in the lifestyles and cultural beliefs among the two groups of people (Scott, 2009).
Renaissance was the period characterized by the art of the ancient Greek and that of Rome. It led to several changes in the technical aspects of sculpture and paintings. The artists started using new techniques to manipulate light and darkness. This paved ways for the development of tone contrasts that was very crucial in the religious sector. Tone contrast was applied in the composition of religious songs, as well as, spiritual guidance. High renaissance created work like authority (Walter, 2005). These were created by individuals such as Leonardo Da Vinci. As usual, creation of such important figures gave credit or popularity to the person who had done them. This led to the emergence of political powers. Art later became gender based, with most of the women adopting it to a greater level than before. After its adoption by the women, other important and market attracting materials were made leading to successive uprising of other ideas (Walter, 2005). The reason behind this, as explained above, was due to the interest of most ancient people in the knowledge and use of arts.
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