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Anthology of Living Religions

Religious proposals underlie the philosophy and behaviour of the greater part of the planet’s citizens. A profound comprehension of religious perspectives is essential in our constant advancing pluralistic and interwoven cultures. As a result, many people have ventured into trying to unearth the essence and definition of religion. While some of the scholars agree on some issues concerning the elucidation of religion, others view religion from a different perception. To augment perception and perhaps the positive reception of each religion, various religious responses have been put forward by Pat Mary Fisher in her writings in, “Living Religions”. Here, she explores the several chief religions of the world as well as new and local religions, providing understanding and admiration of these religions through the utilization of significant and fascinating texts, which are elucidated by the practitioners and founders of these religions (Lee Bailey & Mary Pat Fisher, p.55). Since religion imparts our lives in several ways, it is necessary to comprehend it and the autonomy to pursue any religion remains as an individual’s personal and confidential issue.


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I find religion as a very essential part of human life as it affects the daily operations of an individual. Fisher, in “Living Religions”, exposes several distinctive features of religion that develop a self-motivated living religion and includes: - sacred writings and transcripts, ceremonies and sacraments, believers and values and moral principles. Since ethics differentiates between wrong and right, it is essential to be imparted in the society. Thus, it can viewed as the belief in what is right and wrong (Mary Pat Fisher, p.167). This establishes dynamism in the living religion and empowers individuals to exercise and treat others according to what they believe is right. Through this initiation, living religion is expanded and thus gives an opportunity to individuals to freely choose what to believe and follow. This freedom enhances healthy relation and understanding of the requirements of the specific religion enabling the individual to be satisfied with his or her religion choice.

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Fisher argues that to understand religion from a deeper perspective, one has to be involved with a lot of different people originating from varying religious backgrounds and also worship with them. This interaction with devoted worshipers and instructors of faith, presents the individual with the opportunity to interrogate the worshipers about their traditional experiences related to religion. She further proposes that religion, being a non- museum portion, is a vibrant force in peoples’ lives all over the universe and currently, a lot of religions are going through revitalization (Mary Pat Fisher, p.244). In this case, the beliefs and sacred texts of a given religion are interrelated as would be discovered from the interrogations. This is so since beliefs determine the originally in scripted writings in the sacred texts and over subsequent duration, the in scripts resolve the beliefs the afterward generations would pursue. The sacred manuscripts and writings are accepted as a means through which supernatural being reveals his intentions and thus, god’s instructions. This notion exemplifies and substantiates the relationship between the writings and the consecrated texts leading to the establishment of a dynamic living religion that enlightens the people on the historical, exemplary and instructional behaviours expected from them.

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The dynamism created in the living religion as a result of sanctified texts and writings are due to the contents entailed in the scripts which include: -traditions that the ancient individuals experienced and exercised and the oral stories of that time. Furthermore, the scripts provided knowledge about the rites of passage and the sacraments undertaken that shaped the community’s and individual’s personal moral principles (Lee Bailey & Mary Pat Fisher, p.90). This information helps one to be knowledgeable about the varying ways to relate to others and how to care for other people in the same manner they would wish to be treated in spite of the difference in beliefs and religion.

Beliefs influences community’s way of life in various ways as it determines the ceremonies and rituals observed by the community. These ritual and ceremonies’ practices in turn define the suitable behaviour, which the believers are expected to heed in order to achieve a vibrant living religion. Consequently, these undertakings are confined within the community’s living standards and tag along the principled behaviour of the inhabitants existing in the community at that period of time (Mary Ann Clark, p.82). Therefore, religion varies from one location to another, but is pursued by all natives in the community, creation it to be a self-motivated living religion. Fisher considers the way in which the modern-day beliefs and applications of the individual traditions have progressed, and investigates the shifting natural history of particular religion especially in terms of; -responsibility of women in the community, and the controversies and concerns such as: -violence, fundamentalism, interfaith inventiveness and globalization.

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The world’s citizens relate to religious response in different ways. Several beliefs have surfaced, like: - the belief that religion leads to a better family and builds the world to be a better place. Some individuals revolutionize religion for their self-recognition, others profess to a given church for identity and there are those who live by God’s teachings. Several religions have emerged making the identification and choice of which to follow expand. Additionally, it has complicated options to be employed by upcoming generation in handling life situations. Many individuals strongly acknowledge religion that a lone belief can suit every person. With the diversity of religions to select from, the ancient customs can be changed to adhere to the current society, enhance relations in families and children, and aid in the making of government resolutions intended for the forthcoming generation and thus, religion proves to be very essential in life.



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