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The Importance of Godot

The existence of human life in the universe comes with unanswerable questions, especially in relation to their nature and character. “Waiting for Godot” is a narration that captures this uncertainty. Issues related to this notion include: irrationality, hostility and seclusion, appearance and genuineness, death, distrust and indistinctness, language, time, self-identity, and the essence of life. Generally, the theme that incorporates a lot of these issues at a go is the uncertainty of the human circumstance. This theme brings insight to the importance of life and the manner in which it ought to be lived (Beckett 14).

“Waiting for Godot” gives the impression of a distinctive tone in cases of political and social predicaments. As a contemporary deliberation, it may, in the first instance, appear dreary. This is illustrated by the statement, "They give birth astride of a grave," as put forward by Pozzo (Beckett 32). It is further asserted that, "The light gleams an instant, then it is night once more." Nonetheless, it is hilarious and expressive as it discloses humanity's abilities for patience, friendship, and endurance. There exists an immense social structure, capitalism, though it is unsteady at the foundations. Where certainty existed, it is replaced by suspicion and anxiety. The attainment of material things has come to an end as consumerism has taken a step back. It is time for self-examination and analysis of the basic essentials. There exists no production that is quite deep and essential as “Godot”. From this narration, Beckett refuses to explicate its mysteries further than the “…laughter and the tears".


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The work piece employs "Absurdist Theatre" to castoff the customary plot, acts, and characters while addressing its audience with a mystifying experience (Beckett 57). In this opus, characters engage, more oftenly, in superficially worthless discussions or deeds. Based on this, the audience is presented with an opportunity to familiarize with the idea of living in a world which does not "make sense." The term “Absurdist Theatre” denotes both the content of the composition, which is the desolate image of the human circumstance, and the technique that articulates that image. The impression that human beings lack significance and drive in their lives further increases anxiety. This is brought all through the narration.

The absent character in this narration is Godot. As much as he never surfaces, he is at the center of the play. He is makes other characters to be present in the play though he is absent. His appearance is anticipated though with fear. This is due to the fact that Godot refers to “the end”. Based on this, his arrival would relate to the notion of ending. This would further mean that other characters such as Vladimir and Estragon would be no more in the case of Godot’s arrival (Beckett 77). However, his absence makes these characters to stay while anticipating for his arrival.

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The title, “Waiting for Godot” illustrates the importance of Godot. His absence determines the undertakings of the other characters. This title enhances anxiety as it reveals that a particular individual being expected to arrive. This is why they are “waiting”. Those who are waiting are not sure of the time “Godot” would arrive or whether he would even come. Nonetheless, they still wait for him anxiously. However, the coming of Godot would be suspended indefinitely. The anxiety of waiting for him keeps growing. This “waiting” only acts to enhance the already created anxiety in the narration as the other characters have no knowledge about the arrival of Godot.



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