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Multiculturalism in Contemporary America

Multiculturalism is a prevailing cultural, social, and political phenomenon in the modern day America that is expected to define the contemporary American identity in the globalizing world. Multiculturalism is a term that depicts a society characterized by a multiplicity of cultures (Kivisto and Rundblad 14). Customs, religion, traditions, language, and cultural values are some of the cultural components, but more significantly culture is the binoculars through which one construe and understands the world. Globalization is definitely an important issue to present-day multiculturalism in American as it attempts to transcend the margins of a state or nationalism. Globalization is reflected in modern multiculturalism in a state that represents multi-ethnicities.America has remained an ethnically plural society derived from diverse cultural communities (Kivisto and Rundblad 441). U.S. nationalism is characterized by civic cultural nationalism with varied ethnic nationalism. The history of U.S. is one of immigration of various ethnic groups (Hasia). These groups of immigrants have remained paradigmatically ethnicities, quite distinct from inhabitants whose native homeland has been integrated into a larger U.S.A. The settler ethnic groups in contemporary America share a common culture and do not deliberately seek political autonomy or self governance, and certainly not interested in constituting themselves into an independent state through voluntary federation or colonization (Hasia).


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The most fundamental issue in the contemporary America multiculturalism is how different ethnically plural societies effectively integrate into their adopted homeland whereas still maintaining their impressive ethnic identity (Hasia). Contemporary multicultural American society no longer struggle to assimilate into the white dominated main social stream or covering up their ethnic uniqueness. Like any other society, contemporary America multicultural ideologies insists on an integrated identity as the only efficient means of defending itself against social marginalization. American ethnic identity is not only formed on unique cultural ties but is also based on the impact of nationalism. The key potent influence on multiculturalism is tied up within the prevalent acceptance of the modern world nationalists' ideologies (Kivisto and Rundblad 446).The current economic, social, and political prospects promised by life in the U.S. continue to attract immigrants from scores of countries. The cultural identity and socioeconomic status of the immigrant groups significantly impact re-socialization, alteration, and adaptation of beliefs and values of many immigrant groups (Hasia). The present day immigrant groups generally maintained strong cultural, social, and emotional ties with their mother country, and often return to visit their family members and usually provide monetary support to those who have remained behind (Hasia). This predisposition has had considerable implications not only for their own incorporation into the contemporary American society but also for the second generation integrations and the divergence associated with corresponding American multi culture and home country values(Kivisto and Rundblad 452).

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The future America as a multicultural society is becoming ardently contested as civilization approaches the twentieth century. This may call for a new model and new definition of American people identity, which will include the expanding ethnic identity and which will define us a multicultural people in the framework of a multiethnic world. This calls for an all acceptable dynamic paradigm that embraces all Americans in their many-slandered multiplicity within a just society.



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