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Connecticut Prison

The Connecticut prison is the United States federal department located in Connecticut State. The purpose for this facility is to provide correctional functions to the law defaulters. Since it is a state department, the overall management is assumed by the state through its county government in Connecticut. All the above means that, the government through its affiliates fund the property.

The prison at Connecticut is accountable to its own affairs though the highly trained managerial and support staff. According to revelations, each prison is under the command of correctional centre’s business enterprise director. He is the chief officer and plays the overall role of business planning and office administration.

The inmates are subjected to regular appraisal and a good rating means promotion, but poor one call for reprimands and punishment where possible. They are on monthly pay roll and other fringe benefits just as the normal workers. The prisoners also enjoy limited freedom such as free conscience, speech and movement or access to information. The freedom of movement and information are however restricted to certain designated precincts. The prisoners are also entitled to freedom of association for example; they are allowed to carry on duties in either private or public (government) sectors. This means that there are no defined barriers placed on this area. Any forfeiture of responsibility from a legally binding agreement can definitely lead to legal suit slap from either of the aggrieved parties.


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Commissioner General of prisons is the chief of staff, therefore brandishes some executive powers not enjoyed by other cadres. The federal law on state prisons state that any party seeking exemptions in administrative directives must have the approval of the commissioner.

Since inmates are entitled to state reward for the work done, they are also subjected to statutory obligations such as deductions from their net pay. The prisoners are at the same time subject to dismissal from the camp’s training in case of misdemeanor. They too must conform to federal health and safety procedures. Private employers with interest on inmates services are expected to meet certain statutory requirements.



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