My father is a role model for me; coming from a very humble poor background, he was subjected to very adverse conditions that would have otherwise rendered him a failure par excellencel. He would struggle through the conditions that were synonimous to his child hood to finally be who he is today .With the undying intention to be one day a voice and symbol of hope and success, he began from nothing until he reached his goals. He inculcated in himself the spirit of self dependence that is his strongest trait to date. He never allowed his prevailing circumstances as a child to dictate the kind of life that he would later on live and instead chose to turn his misfortunes to his greatest fortune. Since his father was working in a different city and the mother being paralyzed, he chose not to get help from anyone. He was the only boy in a family of five and this meant that he had to do everything he couuld to ensure that their family was protected. Even though he was young and did not have the ability to succeed like other children from better backgrounds, he became a successful person and his name was always in the ‘principal’ list. He took his education very seriously and his efforts have since handsomely paid off. These are some of the reasons why he is my role model.
Self determination and self dependence is a strong tool that can be used to achieve our heart’s desires.
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