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Political Observers

In the contemporary world politics, political observers tend to align themselves based on the fundamentals that drive a particular party. In as much as there may be variations due to this factor, majority of political observers regard parties as essential elements of government and national politics. This is primarily because of their perception that political parties represent of specific geographical localities, ideals of a group and promote diversity opinions.

First, political observes perceive political parties as major representative factor of certain geographical localities. Bhuyam observes that political parties in places like India have been classified by academicians, observers and political analysts based on their respective territorial or geographic representation leading to some being labeled as regional while others local (145). As a result, it is common to associate current voting patterns with certain regions as seen some countries.

Secondly, political observers perceive political parties as being representative of particular ideals shared by a group of people. For example, some parties have been in the forefront fighting for important community problems like freedom as seen in the case of National Congress Party in India. “It has been the most prominent party during the struggle of freedom as it organized the Kashmiris against the autocratic rule of the Dogras” (Bhuyam 3). Consequently, this has led to performance of certain political parties primarily due to the ideals they are associated with some key idea in the society.


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Thirdly, the existence of political parties promotes the existence of diverse opinions among citizens of a nation. Observers note that the need to preserve democracy is a determining basis. This is because they promote the existence of diverse political opinions, which strengthens liberal democracy in an environment of multiple political parties (Malcolmson & Myers 185). Hence, political partied provide avenues for individual expression.

Finally, it is important to note that most observers have the perception that political parties represent of specific geographical localities, ideals of a group and promote diversity opinions. These elements are important in understanding the functions of each political party.



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