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Time Management

Time management is one of the most significant aspects in daily aspect. It is usually of great significance when an individual manages his or her time well. This is because he or she is usually aware of what to do or what he will do at certain time. While time management seems to be a simple task and issue, it has not been easy to many people across the world. There are quite a number of people across the world who doesn’t know how to manage time. They spend most of their time doing nothing and even tend to miss certain occasion which they were invited long time ago or usually attend (Dodd & Sundheim, 2005). However, I am one of the people who encounter difficulties with time management. For many incidences I have missed classes or even attended to some duties late or even earlier than I am expected. It is therefore due to these reasons that I have decided to come up with a strategy on how to solve this problem of poor time management once and for all.

In order to solve this problem, I will be required to look for our school and class timetable as my main source of information. This is due to the fact that it is in school where I spend nearly all my day. Thus school and class timetable will be good sources of information that will help me to plan and manage my time properly. It will enable me to come up with my own timetable on how to manage my time (Dodd & Sundheim, 2005). After setting aside time spend in school, I will be now able to schedule few remaining hours properly.

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Badke (2008) stipulates that in order to evaluate my information, there is a specific process that I will use so as to gather information which I gather as follows. First, I have to accept that achieving control over my time is the basis from which all prospect accomplishments and success will follow. This is a very strong statement and one that I believe in personally. This is the start-point of making changes in my life and it will have a deep effect on my life. The question therefore is that: if not time management, what else am I looking for? I will be therefore spending some off-pick time, when I am working out, waiting for somebody, and work through in my mind on areas that I will be working on so as to improve quality of life. By putting this into consideration it will help me in developing good time management plan.

I will begin to create a list of some of the activities and traits which I am doing currently and I know that I will have to change so as to be more successful in time management. Since I don’t have a day planner, I am thinking about getting one and begin to use this planner to start this list in. at this time I am aiming at getting too specific and I want large stroke topics and suggestions (Badke, 2008). I am looking at obtaining a list together and then narrowing that list down to two or three major activities that I wish to zero in on and make them to be a focus. Part of this changing procedure is to see how big or how small the eventual job will be hence this will assist me to whatever kind of challenge is a head of me in solving this problem.

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Finally, I will require a place to place my time management tools. When talking of time management tolls, I am talking about my list of events, objectives, and works, aspiration which I want to do and attain in my life. I will write them down so that I can be able to manage and work with them. Hence, I will encounter a massive up-hill battle without cause if I don’t have this planner. While evaluating this information, there are certain things which I will have to consider including: perspective; this information is supposed to be having positive perspective. It is supposed to be encouraging and giving room for quick and easy resolution (Badke, 2004). positive perspective towards time management will enable me to resolve this issue faster and within short time. Validity is also the other thing that I will consider while evaluating this information. This information is supposed to be valuable and accurate so as to provide me with a good starting point and ensure that I solve this problem forever.

In order to solve problem this problem of poor time management, I will use this information in that it will enable me to plan each morning or the night prior to the following day. I would figure out how to get the most from time since it is valuable. I will be spending a few minutes every morning and everyday will make me to be more competent as well as increasing the amount of work which I can do. For instance, executives who get finish much usually have their time planned days before. Hence, I will not be required to go to that degree, but I will deciding daily on how I will be using my time and also adopt time saving characters.

According to Mancini (1993), time management is same as troubleshooting. Appropriate time management is therefore as good as trouble shooting to aircraft. This is due to the fact that you cannot troubleshoot a technical trouble on the aircraft without efficient planning. Hence, while the best troubleshooter will spent time in the cockpit with system diagram prior to using any tool, the bad one will begin swapping components without planning or thinking. Thus, poor time management will lead to very expensive results just like poor troubleshooting.

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This information will therefore help me to start managing time properly starting with one that is most in my mind. When I have several works to do, I will be starting with the one that is most in my mind. The reason behind this is rational, my efficiency and effectiveness are not the best when I am worried or concerned about something and thus I will be trying to do the best job on my other duties. In case I have a disciplinary step to take with one of my people, I will be doing it as soon as possible (Mancini, 1993). if I am faced with dirty or unpleasant work, this information will help me to handle it early so as to get it out of the way.

In general, even though time management is not an easy task and has disturbed many people across the world. The strategy above will see me managing well my time unlike previously where I didn’t have any specific schedule to follow. By the use of the above information, I will be far placed in a good position to handle all my duties within time provided starting with the most urgent ones. It will enable me to plan my schedule well and before that given day. I will also have good time to do better job on my other tasks unlike initially where my all other tasks were forced to remain undone or done shoddily due to lack of adequate time. it is therefore my belief that this strategy will initiate a new beginning in terms of time management and see me becoming a good time manager, doing all my tasks at a right place in right time.


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