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Appropriate Classroom Environment

The main objective of this paper is to give a detailed explanation of the classroom environment that supports developmentally appropriate practices. In addition, it also seeks to describe the equipments, furniture, and materials, which are important in supporting growth and development of children. In the end, the paper will explain how the environment creates lines up with the vision, philosophy, and mission.

It is essential for teachers to be aware of the developmental characteristics of the students. Therefore, it will greatly assist in implementing the developmentally appropriate practices, especially in the formative years. It also allows teachers to support the children’s progress successfully towards becoming adjusted, thoughtful and confident (Eliason & Jenkins, 2012). Educators among other concerned parties need to know the best provisions that they can give to the children and that can enable them to reach their full potential. All children need to be provided with the optimum conditions necessary for childcare regardless of their gender, economic situation, race, or religion. Tutors need to be highly trained, creative, empathetic, tolerant, warm, understanding, hopeful and nurturing (Eliason & Jenkins, 2012).


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Play is an important aspect of the child’s development. Growing children explore and learn more through their environment. It is during the play that children learn how things work, how to solve problems and develop their social skills. As active learners, children, therefore, need to be provided with a space that will help stimulate their creativity and development in general. Learning can be offered through either games or play. Whatever materials are available, the classroom has to meet the requirements of children in that room. The materials, furniture among others must encourage children to think as well as discover.

According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the pivotal point of developmentally appropriate practices rests on three main goals: knowledge informing, decision-making, goals must be achievable and challenging, and teaching must be intentional for it to be effective (The Core of DAP, 2009).

A good learning environment is comprised of the following components. Firstly, there should be a well-organized classroom with defined spaces. Also, there should be a sufficient and comfortable space, and the room temperature should be conducive for playing and learning. The room should be welcoming and warm. In addition, there should be spaces, where the children would be able to keep their personal things. Communication and language should be encouraged. Science as well as nature activities spark off curiosity within the children fraternity. Clear paths should be provided in the classroom to ensure that they do not interrupt play (Decker .C., 2009). The classroom also should have a private space, where the children can feel isolated. This area can be referred to as the ‘cozy area’. Therefore, this will minimize the overwhelming nature of noise.

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The classroom will have lined up with philosophy, mission, and vision. Firstly, it will be a respectful, responsive, safe and a positive place to be. It will guide the students in active engagement with the environment in a healthy way, in solving problems and knowing how they fit into the society. The vision is to be a recognized institution in creating a holistic education that will integrate the children in the society through problem-solving skills. The mission is to provide high-quality education of young children and to inspire them to develop by natural curiosities. All these will be achieved, if the environment described above is provided.



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