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Christmas Day

As a tradition, Christmas day is celebrated in styles across the globe. The most obvious thing about this long awaited day which comes once towards the end of the year is opening of Christmas gifts. This is the first thing when this day comes. This is one of the favorite days for most people, young and old. They rise up very early in the morning to find Father Christmas and open up the gifts before proceeding for breakfast. This is the tradition in most countries.Once individuals have opened their presents, the next thing is to open family gifts. This mostly happens around midday or in the afternoon. The members of the family normally meet beneath the Christmas tree to open the gifts which come in handy. In most cases, families open the gifts after they have attended a church service which is full of praise about the young Christ. During this service, there area number of activities related to the birth of Jesus Christ. People come up with plays about the young Christ being born in a manger. This is obviously accompanied by King Herod and the wise men. The Herod comes with intention of killing the young Christ while the wise men come with gifts for the young Christ. On this day, most people attend church more than any other day, wearing their best.


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Gifts during Christmas time became a tradition since the time the wise men started it. Upon his birth, the wise men went with gifts to see Jesus. To crown the day's event, the family can celebrate Christmas dinner in style. Family dinners are mostly done at home away from the hustle and bustle of the town on this important day. Upon having dinner, the family members can sit and give speeches if there is any. This can also be accompanied by Christmas crackers which obviously grace the occasion.

Basically, I would say Christmas day is not only meant for gifts and feasting. Although most people attend church during this day, not many usually take their time to think why Christ was born first. In fact, the most important thing about this day is to remember the birth of Christ and later what happened to him. He died for our sins. It would be advisable if all were to take this chance to repent their sins and come back to Christ. To me, it would be the most important thing on this day. Happy Christmas!



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