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The Terrorism

Terrorism is an act that is condemned, especially from an Islamic point of view. The Quran, a holy book of Muslims, is considered to be a guide to mankind; God said that people should receive excellence in both ethical and moral behavior (Reiff, 2008). The Quran reminds Muslims that they are accountable to God for their behavior and the way how they deal with other people of all religions. Thus, Muslims have an obligation to seek what is best for them, their families, people surrounding them, as well as the society in general.

God condemned terrorism, which is seen as a form of corruption that may jeopardize peace and security of others. Therefore, terrorism is an act that is not justified because it is an act of crime against innocent people. Instead, people should treat each other in a manner as they treat their beloved ones. The Quran condemns the act of terrorism such as Al Qaida that has the intention of filling the hearts with defenseless people with fear. Terrorism entails the destruction of buildings and property; it also leads to death of innocent civilians. Therefore, accomplishment of terrorism act under the pretext of defending an oppressed society or nation in the world or offending the rights of Muslims has no justification within Islam. Hence, from a religious point of view, Islam, like other religions of the world, advocates for peace and safety for all people, whether Muslims or non-Muslims. It admonishes aggression. The true religion of Muslims condemns killing of innocent people irrespective of the cause, political or social beliefs, as well as religious belief. However, it is regrettable that most terrorist groups have used the name of Islam religion to promote their cause (Reiff, 2008).


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There are cases that pertain to political violence in general and terrorism in particular as a consequence of socialists in politics and ethics. These can be used categorically depending on their utility as a method for attaining moral and political worthwhile objectives, for instance, a true socialist society or a matter of liberation from colonial rule. According to Nielsen (2009), there is a wide definition of the term terrorism; however, the examples indicate that the innocence of the victims affected by terrorist activities makes no significant difference to its justification. In essence, terrorist acts must be justified by the political effects of their moral consequences. Hence, the acts of terrorism are justified when they are politically effective weapons or tools to be used in a revolutionary struggle. In addition, terrorist activities can be justified when everything that is considered to contribute to sound reasons leads to a belief that they were commited with no violence at all (Nielsen 2009).

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According to Nielsen’s views, an act of terrorism that is organized in conjunction with guerrilla, warfare is a form of a protracted war of liberation that may prove to be vital, hence justified. Thus, responsibility for acts of injustice or oppression can make one lose immunity against war by getting involved in a fight. In addition, an individual may not loose immunity against political violence by holding office that implements policies against unjust government. If a terrorist subscribes to some credible view of responsibility as well as liability under an attack of innocent citizens, then it might be considered as an act of defense, as well as an act of intimidation through a revolutionary process against an oppressive state.



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