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Work and Community

All adults have to find ways of meeting both their needs and those of their families'. This simply means that all of them have to look for a job in one way or another. A fact still remains that a portion of them will find their jobs to be satisfactory and therefore enjoy them while others will derive lots of frustration from their places of work. These two distinct groups of workers all give service to their communities.Studs Terkel in his book claims that work has a direct relationship to the simple nature of humans which connects their spirit to their body. He describes a work as anxious process that involves human desire with the aim of looking for food and a meaningful path of life. He asserts that people are who work are divided in two distinct groups; those who find happiness and satisfaction in what they do and those who feel disillusioned and empty in regarding the work they do. Work in some cases can act as a weapon that shutters ones dreams and ambitions. Any employer has to work and abide to ethics and values that guide the organizations they work for without necessarily being supervised by their managers and colleagues. There is a group of people who struggle each day to discover a sense of importance from their work while others enjoy and feel proud of what they do ( Terkel,1997).W. H. Auden narrated a true life experience story about a woman named Miss Hannah Arendt that gives a clear distinction between work and labor. She defines a real man as one who enjoys his freedom and is of importance to the community at large. People who find themselves ignored by the society and find frustration in their jobs find life very sad, she says. Most of the time, laborers who are not interested in the jobs they do, only do them to be able to meet their both their needs and family's. A worker has a lot of fun doing his job which can be compared to playing their favorite game. A worker spends their free time resting and relaxing while a laborer has to play to feel much better. In today's society only a few people can be considered workers while the majority is considered laborers. The great strides taken by today's technology have contributed to a lot of people being laborers at work. The special skills and abilities that people used to boost of in the past have now been replaced by brainstorming performances that are considered boring which has contributed to deviance and violence in society (Auden, 1973).Working in a factory can be the most challenging duties to any employer. Robert Coles tells a story of a young French lady called Simone Weil who started working in a certain factory. She was frustrated at work due to the unfavorable working conditions she was exposed to. She got tired and found work at a different factory only to face the same conditions she had run away from. She was later fired from her job and went to work in an industrial field where she began analyzing her bitter work experiences and that of her fellow workers. She developed an interest in learning about the various work experiences that people underwent in their jobs. She consequently wrote a book named 'The Need for Root' in which she notes the importance of people within a community to liven their spirits. Obstacles at work may work as tools to make individuals stronger and develop their potential. Robert Cole asserts that work places bring a sense of meaning to the lives of workers (Cole, 2001).

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The perceptions of W.H. Auden and Robert Coles as well as Studs Terkel in his introduction reflect and anticipate the new visibility of work as a subject of literary and cultural study over the last decade. Community on the other hand in the process of organizing the manner at which work is duties are discharged looks at cooperative or joint solutions to the current scenarios at workplace. As a result the effort changes the equilibrium of power and creates new power bases. This can therefore be referred to as value-based process by which people are brought together in organizations to act in the interest of their communities' in unison for the common good.

It has been reported by both Auden and Robert Coles that the basic source of cohesion of every strong community organization is the certainty that a specific community provides to its members as a unique vehicle for working out and mounting their capacities as citizens. The empowerment course at the heart of community organizing promotes participation of people through work, organizations and communities towards the goals of increased personage and society control, political effectiveness, enhanced superiority of community life and communal impartiality.To participate in co-management in any given piece of work, it will be the mandate of stakeholders to manage themselves and arrive to agreement on how the duties are bound to be discharged as well as address the concerns brought forth. Effective society involvement in co-management needs a strong community organization(s) to represent its members or workers. In some cases, community unions capable of representing their members in co-management already exist in the community. In other cases, organizations will either need to be strengthened or newly time-honored. One or more community organizations may be considered necessary in the community depending upon its magnitude, miscellany and desires. An appropriate person(s) from a working environment must be selected to embody co-workers on the larger co-management institute.Nevertheless, two elements of previous surface-level diversity problems as brought clear by W.H. Auden and Robert Coles, seem to carry over even into contexts of deep-level multiplicity in relation to work: first, increased variety on both levels is still associated with an increase in earnings and amalgamation and harmonization problems at work; second, it still appears that in the supervisor/inferior relationship, subordinates with the same masculinity as their superiors take delivery of higher performance evaluations at work.Insights into how personality diversity affects the work group have increased in the recent past as the study of personality types, profiles, emotional IQ, and deep-level attitudes develop. Instead of thinking of diversity as simply demographic differences, work managers will have to research, test, and scrutinize the ways in which all of these aspects not only affect the group and work, but how they can be integrated into a cohesive approaches that corresponds to group cohesiveness and successful discharge of duties at work.


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