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Global Warming

Global warming can be defined as a substantial increase of air temperatures near the ocean's and earth's surface. These increases in temperature of the air near the earth's and the ocean's surface, was first observed in the 20th century. The 20th century researchers and scholars, associated or rather attributed global warming to an increase in greenhouse gases in the environment due to an increase in the overall human activities across the globe. For instance, this century experienced a lot of industrial activities whose major waste products was carbon dioxide since most of these industries used coal as a source of energy for their activities (Gore 8).The effects of global warming across the globe have arguably been cited as a serious threat to the existence of life on the planet earth. Scientists argue that there is need for the current trends on global warming to be reversed if there is hope of life on earth in future. However, it is important to note that this is not the only argument that has been presented on global warming in the past. Skeptics of global warming argue that there are various advantages that are derived from global warming. In addition, these skeptics have continued to argue that there is nothing that can threaten life on earth, citing the recent whether patterns in parts of the United States and other regions across the world as indicators of little or no change in climate due to global warming (Revkin 2009).In other words, these skeptics propose that heavy rains and storms in the recent past cannot be utilized or rather used as an indicator that the effects of global warming have began manifesting themselves across the globe. Whether the scientists are right in their predictions or the dismissal of global warming as a global by the skeptics is the reality, the fact remains that global warming is an issue that needs to be considered at length. This consideration would include analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of global warming, ethical issues that arise as a result of global warming, the solutions that are needed, future impact and the relationship between global warming and macroeconomics. Whereas there have been varying arguments by different factions or rather school of thoughts in regard to global warming across the globe, it is now a fact that global warming is taking place and there is need for drastic measures to be implemented not only to stop its effects but to completely reverse the current trends of global warming (Ponce de León 22).The research on global warming that has been carried out in the past reveals that global warming has both the positive and the negative sides. In other words, it has both advantages and disadvantages. However, the disadvantages of global warming have been found to outweigh its advantages by a very big margin. In spite of this, it is important for one to understand that a large number of disadvantages does not necessarily mean that something is bad and vice versa.


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There are various advantages that are associated with global warming. First, there are numerous parts across the world that are completely covered by ice among them Siberia, Arctic and Antarctic. As a result of this ice cover, life in these parts has been made difficult since there are no single plants that can grow in these areas. In line with this, an increase in global temperature would result in melting of this ice thus enabling plants to grow in these parts. There are also numerous deaths that have been recorded as a result of cold weather. Therefore, an increase in global temperatures would result in a substantial decrease in deaths that result from cold weather (Rosenberg 2010).It was also found out that an increase of global temperatures increase the rate of melting of ice in different regions around the world. As a result, it would be difficult for ice to cover a large region or rather part of the earth thus eliminating the possibility of having an ice age (Cline 42). On the other hand, the disputes that have existed between different countries that have low lying island are set to be brought to an end if global warming continues as this will reduce the amount of ice in on the earth's surface thus making its easier to determine border boundaries between these nations.One cannot also fail to mention that the amount of energy that is needed to warm cold places will also reduce drastically. This will result from the fact that people living in these places will depend on energy sources such as the solar for their energy needs, especially during the day. This will aid in the preservation of world energy resources and reduce pollution that emanates from the use of certain type of energy sources. In addition to this, there would be an increase in agricultural activities as longer seasons of cultivating increase due to a reduction of ice. This will enhance food production in regions that are faced by ice challenges. Similarly, the increases in the earth's temperature in these regions will encourage the need to utilize greenhouses as a meaning of cultivation (Rosenberg 2010).

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There are numerous disadvantages that are associated with global warming. To begin with, there are various species of plants and animals that have created their habitats in cold regions across the world. Thus an increase in global temperatures will render these species without a habitat. On the other hand, there are a lot of forests that will die early due to early maturity. This will increase the risks of forest fires. The actual melting of ice and icebergs will also increase the risk of destruction to human life and structures due to avalanches and landslides. This will result in loss of glaciers too that have acted as natural tourist attraction. In line with this, sports such as ice skating may become extinct due to lack of natural ice on which to play these games (Leroux 48).The issue of desertification will also worsen as the current deserts will continue to loose the little moisture they have due to increased heat or rather temperatures. Whereas this will be the case for deserts, there would also be a rise in the sea level, a factor that would contribute to floods, heavy rains and unmanageable storms (Singer and Avery 45). This may lead to a shift in agricultural processes around the globe leading to food shortages. Another disadvantage of global warming is a drastic change in global temperatures that may result in severe living conditions across the globe with some habitats being rendered derelict. To begin with, governments across the world need to unite and raise finances that would be channeled towards enhancing the industries across the world that have been cited as the main emitters of greenhouse gases that are cited as the main cause of global warming. This will require serious funding to the industries to help them invest in technology as a way of enhancing production while reducing the effect on the environment. In addition to funding, there is need to develop policies that would restrict on the amount of greenhouse gases emission into the environment. Whereas this has been done in the past using programs such as Cap and Trade, there is the necessity to introduce more enhanced programs to deal with gaseous emissions into the atmosphere (Wicke and Knebel 104).The relationship between ethics and global warming must be explored if an amicable solution to global warming is to be arrived at. The behaviors of human beings have been cited as the major contributor to global warming. Consequently, governments, the corporate world, environmental organization and the society in general must be educated on ethical behaviors that can be adopted in order to reduce the effects of global warming across the globe. For example, planting of trees and overall reduction of carbon dioxide that is released into the environment as a result of industrial activities and other human activities such burning wood can act as some of the ethical channel that need to be explored (Dotto and Calgary Institute for the Humanities 204).Adoption of mitigation measures across the globe would act as important step in eliminating the effects of this disaster even to the point of eliminating completely its effects. As a matter of fact, the future of the world and global warming lies in the hand of the governments across the world and the society as a whole. The confidence to implement policies that have been formulated in the past would provide a channel to arrest this disaster before it gets out of hand. On the contrary, failure to adopt the necessary measures would result in an uncontrolled impact on the global climate with no signs of reversing it. It is important to note that microeconomic costs would continue to be strained as long as drastic measures are not implemented and vice versa (Baumol and Blinder 12).Global warming continues to act as a threat to the survival of human beings and other species on the face of the earth. In this regard, it is important for the government and the society in general to understand that despite the advantages that a rise in the earth's temperatures has on life and development across the globe, there are numerous disadvantages that global warming pose to the survival of life. Similarly, microeconomic costs would continue to rise every year if no concerns are raised on reversing the effects of global warming. Correspondingly, it is necessary for the society to develop ethical programs that would educate the society on how to reduce global warming.



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