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Corruption is known to be endemic in Libya's health administration. Health care is the right which is guaranteed by the government to all the Libyan citizens especially through the creation of health and hospitals establishments in accordance with their law. There is a mixed system of the private and the public health care rather than a government-run model. Have there been any reports about corruption in the health sector in Libya? This is one question that one could consider when making discussing the corruption that is prevalent in the health sector of Libya (Lewis 2006, P 145).What are the consequences of the prevalent corruption in the health sector in Libya? This is the second question that one might consider in order to understand the levels of corruption in this health sector in Libya. Corruption is known to have reduced the resources that are effectively available for the health sector, decreases the quality, effectiveness and equity of the health care services, reduces the volume and also raises the cost incurred of the provided services. Corruption discourages the people to pay and use the health services and this has a corrosive impact on the level of health of the entire population of Libya (Vian 2007, P 27).


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What are the causes of corruption in the health sector of Libya and why is there high corruption vulnerability in this sector? This is another question that we will discuss in order to understand well the corruption that is prevalent in the health sector of Libya. This health sector is described by a very high degree of imbalances of the information provided and an inelastic demand for the services. There is a big gap in the information given regarding the different types of services that are available (Nilufur 2003, P 377). The areas that are highly prone to corruption include the provision of the health services by the medical personnel, the human resource management, drug use and selection, procurement of medical equipment and drugs, storage and distribution of drugs, pricing and budgeting, and the regulatory systems (Savedoff 2003, P 45).



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