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An Exception for Smart People

The United States of America is torn between the choices of luring the best brains from all over the world through its immigration program “green card” while at the same time control the influx of ill minded immigrants that would later become terrorists and criminals into its soil. Currently, large numbers of legal migrants allowed into the U.S. and are now permanent residents dominate both the public and private sectors of the U.S. economy where they contribute heavily to the future development of the great nation. For instance, foreign-born students dominate American institutions of technology through scholarship programs. From other quarters, rise of insecurity and criminal activities such as terrorism are blamed on the legal immigrants by the U.S. While the United States makes every effort to lock out entry of more immigrants within its territories, it needs to put special measures that would change is immigration policy to ensure that it selectively attracts the best brains that would support its technological advancement and eventual economic growth fromall corners of the world but not the unwanted actors. This demonstrates the real concept of “An Exception for Smart People.”


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Even though it’s now a commonplace to see foreign-born students dominating U.S. graduate programs in science, math, and technology, this particular trend should be taken well in the sense that these are the real brains behind various technological advancements and scientific discoveries in the United States. A phenomenon of this kind is of great benefit to the entire nation, so everyone is under an obligation to support the noble cause of outsourcing more talented and exceptionally skilled foreigners. For this reason, U.S. should deem it fit to select exceptionally bright students of exceptional conduct and further grant them citizenship for the good of their nation. Nonetheless, this arrangement would only be beneficial to the U.S. at the expense of student’s home countries, most of which are from developing worlds. Considering that that green card and immigration policy of the U.S. starves developing countries of good innovative brains, these countries are likely to remain underdeveloped for decades in terms of economic and technological developments.

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This brings the most important question of the 21st century: Is it justifiable for the United States to lock out all categories immigrants simply to protect itself from the bad effects of the ongoing world economic recession such as unemployment and high inflation rates? The professionals would definitely say no on one hand while the narrow-minded politicians who are in full control of the White House and the Congress would support to this strategy in the false hope that it will help rebuild the American economy out of the woods where it has greatly sunk as described in the article. “At the time of extreme unemployment, one hears- even from the White House- that it would be politically unacceptable to have a single foreigner, even a legal immigrant, take the job of a native America” (94). Whereas the Congress and White House think of these legal migrants and permanent residents as the real cause of unemployment in the U.S. in the wake of economic recession thus discriminate against them, the faster growth of the world superpower would not be realized without the input of these foreigners.

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Even though a sensational claim of this kind might seem quite flimsy, the ongoing discrimination of legal immigrants in terms of employment opportunities is the reality to reckon with across the U.S. These talented and high skilled legal immigrants are no longer seen as potential job creators but unnecessary competitors for the limited job opportunities. To the surprise of many readers, the legal immigrants are also considered as potential terrorists following the 9/11 terrorist attacks that left thousands of American citizens dead and scores injured. This fear has not only infiltrated national security policy but also immigration policy hence making it extremely difficult to get a visa. Subsequently, large numbers of high skilled professional applicants of good conduct without any criminal records are denied an opportunity of getting American citizenship and visas on the flimsy grounds of national security. Taking into consideration all the loopholes of the current immigration policy, new policies that transcend the duly unjust limitations of national security controls in selecting foreign immigrants should be formulated.

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As much as the U.S. yields so much to the temptation of restricting the inflow of fresh groups of immigrant including the high-skilled foreigners into the United States, more rigorous and fraud proof measures should be formulated instead to ensure that there is highly selective yet effective system of selecting only high-skilled foreigners. This further locks out fraudsters and potential terrorists from large numbers of foreign applicants seeking the much-desired American citizenship. This move will help fast the process of granting U.S. citizenship exclusively to the high-skilled foreigners so as to spur the American economic, technological and economic growth contrary to the traditional green card program, which is known to be slow and easy to the tricks of fraudsters.

In conclusion, legal immigrants play a very important role in fostering economic and technological developments in the United States of America hence the U.S. Congress and the White House should not view them as the number one cause of unemployment and insecurity in the nation. In a bid to attract quality crop of exceptional foreign brains, the U.S. needs to develop new immigration policies that would selectively allow entry of high-skilled foreigners into the U.S. but completely lock potential bad actors from getting visa.



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