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B2B and B2C

The goal to this paper is to examine Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) companies and their online presences. B2C and B2B Web sites operate slightly differently. A further analysis is as follows: BUSINESS-TO-CONSUMER: While analyzing each company, it soon became apparent that some of the companies operate totally online, and some of them operate partially on-line and partially through physical stores. The term gcyber market is used when identifying exactly what type of business the company holds. If they are a full cybermarketer, they operate totally online. A partial cybermarketer means that they have both a Web presence and a physical presence. Below is a list summarizing which companies are full and partial cybermarketers: Company Full Cybermarket Partial Cybermarket. During the analysis, some questions erupted that include such characteristics as product presentation, order entry, payment, and product distribution. I found it necessary to break down each company and answer these specific questions. AMAZON.COM I found that had a very nice Web site. The product presentation is very well thought out. Each section of the Web site, such as books, electronics, toys and games, etc, is spread out on the home page. Also, helpful information such as new items added to the catalog and best sellers are available on the home page. When accessing a specific item, a slew of information is right in front of you. Price, availability, features, and customer reviews (both official and user-made) are all accessibly from the product page, which I found very useful. When ordering the product, easy to fill out forms must be filled out in order to give information about billing/shipping addresses, credit card information, and shipping method. They accept payment methods that include: Borders and Target gift cards, checks and money orders, credit and check cards, gift certificates, and Webcertificates.


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As for product distribution, claims they can ship to virtually any address worldwide, shipping rates pending. Overall, I found my stay at filled with ease. Virtually any skill user could order something from LANDS END Web site had very well thought out product presentation as well. With every click giving more information on a certain product, very easy to make up your mind on what to buy. Users select what type of clothes they want (men or women) that then takes them to another section telling what specials they have.

You can then select any number of products including outerwear, hats, gloves, After you select what type of product you want, you then select what style you want which might include more than a dozen types. After selecting what style you want, users are swarmed with product information including what colors and sizes are available. Ordering an item includes filling out the basic forms needed to bill and ship. Lands of End shipping includes US and International such as Canada, Japan, and all other countries. I'm assuming they can ship effectively to virtually any address worldwide such as International product distribution seems to be a common theme. Overall, Land of End was great.Product presentation rated higher than any other topic. Although getting further information in the help section was complicated and sometimes frustrating. ...



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