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Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

Verbal communication is the way individuals interact one on one mostly in this case face-to-face. This type of communication involves the adoption of words, sounds, ad language signs. While non verbal communication is also a vital form of communication it involves a natural, unconscious broadcast of human feelings at a particular environment and their intentions at that given time. It clues individuals to perceive and incorporate their feelings and intentions of those around them. In this case, individuals communicate, and amid every conversation they give and receive wordless signals. These communications – verbal and non verbal communication have an effect depending on how they are used. These effects are experienced in different places, from police public announcements, witnessing in court cases, employees working environment and inmates’ life in cells. Verbal language can be of great benefit to the society if well used, the same case with non verbal communication. The common differences experienced in the society, that is the public and the police, the police and the in mates and the peers can be avoided if proper language communication is adopted. Language use and sign language is a powerful of conveying out information to the appropriate recipients. The common conflicts experienced every day in the society are a result of poor communication and if this is improved, the individuals will be easy with one another (Alder, 2008).


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The message is received and interpreted differently with the release of the police public announcements to the public. Proper communication is necessary from the police if indeed they have to maintain trust from the community. They are the instruments of law enforcement and they are required to use intellectual interpersonal skills when communicating to the general public and within themselves. This will ensure that public relation and image are well maintained. Occasionally when the police wish to notify the public on matters of safety concerns, they normally notify the public through the issuing of public announcements. This is well executed by the public affairs officer or the police spokesperson. The language sign used by him/her will communicate a lot to the public. If he/she uses harsh words and strong gestures, the public will perceive this as a matter of great concern, and may put the public in great fear. Also if a police spokesperson is required to give a strong warning to the public and gives it out less seriously is also a problem in the sense that the public might be caught in circus of negligence. This means way police uses verbal and non verbal communication has significance on how the public implements that public announcement.

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There is also the effect of verbal and non verbal communication in court-rooms when the witness testifies either under direct or indirect examination as represented by the police. The representation of the police in court is to give the correct information of the occurrences and emerging issues as they took place guided by research and investigation to the matter. Any language sign that may be perceived to indicate otherwise may unduly alter the case decisions. Communication without sobriety in court may intimate the witness which also may influence the case decision unfairly. For instance strong language sign accompanied by gestures often is perceived as a serious matter; while a relaxed communication may indicate that the matter is less serious hence the victim may be acquitted. On the same note, language use by the witness in court has an effect on the claims by the victim. Strong language communication may make the victim nervous hence failing to defend his/her case accordingly.

The influence and effect of verbal and non verbal communication is also witnessed in juvenile facilities. These may include and not limited to employees, peers and inmates. An employer or a “boss” in a working environment is seen to intimidate the junior officers by his/her language and word selection. This “kills” the employees working morale. In the case of peers the effect is also quantifiable. This happens when colleagues in a working or learning environment use a language that may bring differences among friends and peers. While in the working environment the undue use of language to other working colleagues may result to poor performance hence lowering of the general work outputs. This is true in the sense that the employees will lose the team-work that is a vital tool for good performance in their organization. Lastly, the lives of the inmates are greatly affected by the communication behavior of the police while they are in the cell. Some of these inmates assume low self esteem while some of them feel that they are maltreated. This is why some of them end up committing suicide.

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There are communications guidelines for all these areas discussed here above that will ensure that information is passed on without affecting anybody. In every sector say police, working organization and in cells best communication behavior is advocated. In all these places mentioned there is expertise that ensures that all matters of conflict are amicably solved. So it is the policies of these organizations that should be put first. Among the policies in organizations is proper communication and transfer of information. There are trained persons within these departments that are responsible for the dissemination of information to the else of the public, work mates and intended recipients.

With the case of police giving public announcement to the public, only a trained police spokesperson should be the one to convey the information since he has the skill on that field. He/she know the weight and agency of the matter and it is effect on the society. In that case he is required to use his/her expertise to ensure that the information is well delivered. Well delivered in the sense that it does not cause any undue influence to the recipients. The information should be clear, defining the time frame and the target group. It should convey the response expected from the target group of persons. For instance, if it is an impending disaster and the public is expected to relocate, it should define the dangers if they fail to relocate. If it is an outbreak of a disease, it should define the emergence responses from the government and on how to avoid any causality. So in this case the police should use proper language on verbal and non verbal communication. This will also ensure that there is shared responsibility and the public is informed on current issues affecting the society.

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On the witness case in courtroom, a trained and experienced representation from the police should give the findings of investigation so that the case is not unduly influenced in it is decision. This should be an implementation in the law sector, to ensure that efficiency in judicially jurisdiction. Proper determination of the right and final decision of a case is very vital for the society and the victim. Not all those accused victims in the court rooms are guilty of committing the offence they are alleged to have committed. For this reason it is eminent that well organized and professional investigation is necessary. Apart from this a well organized decision is necessary and to achieve this, a professional communication should be used to arrive at the correct decision, which includes proper use verbal and non verbal communication. While at the working organization, the “boss” should be a person who understands personal ethics and custom relations. This will ensure that he handles his junior officers with respect when giving out instructions and job assignments in way that will not make them feel disrespected and despised. Lastly, the police in charge of inmates should be a police who is trained on that field. In this case an officer with not only police skills, but also best public relations skills should be in charge of the inmates; this will ensure their wellbeing and the wellbeing of the police force.



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