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Facebook Pages

The development of Facebook as a social form of networking site has received condemnation on a wide range of issues, which include the safety of minors as well as online server protection and privacy (Arterburn and Marsh, 15). The most negative thing of it it is the individuals’ incapability to stop own accounts without at first manually erasing or deleting the information contained there. In 2008, a number of companies had to withdraw their advertising from the Facebook site with the reason that their piece of information was being displayed on the pages of contentious persons and organizational groups. The content of groups, forums and user pages has been strongly criticized for promoting quarrelsome topics. There have been several issues with restriction, equally on and off the Facebook site.

The changesmade by Facebook have been criticized with much concern, especially for the new format launched in 2008 along with the adjustments in the Facebook’s Terms of Use, which have so far detached the section detailing automatic ending of obliterated content (Dumova and Fiordo, 12). Facebook has been taken to court on several occasions because of the kind of data displayed on the site pages and the extent to which this piece of data has reached the society.


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Discussion. Within a short period of time, Facebook website has become a tool for social examination. On average, Facebook access can score much higher hits each day as compared to other websites (Dumova and Fiordo, 26). Facebook also attaches stereoptypical associative force. If one is not recognizable with the social Facebook, you should consider himself as being either very old-fashioned or existing in a dark underground room with disconnection to the world of reality with no access to Internet.With all the goodies, it is no surprise that Facebooking comes with measurable impacts on the social wellbeing of an individual, and a number of it is not that communal, hence minors are also not excluded from the repercussion.

Intrusion into own privacy. Good percentage of individuals, especially kids, pay little or no attention to the kind of information we disclose online even if some information is confidential. For example, it includes contents with such personal details as habitat, workplace, favorite places of entertainment and other important contact information. This is warranting particularly to the kids since they may often be not so keen on the kind of information they input (Arterburn and Marsh, 126). Little do they know about what are paving lead ways for scrupulous persons to break in creating crucial impacts on the family life of the kid. Despite all the seclusion settings, a number of the so-called friends still gain access to confidential information even more than it was expected and therefore, this could be dangerous in terms of security concerns about both minors and the family.



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