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The book “Even Me” by Irvine Saint-Vilus is an inspirational piece of literature that shares an important message saying that in order to overcome the past, a person has to face it and then move on. The purpose of this paper is to identify a challenge for three of the main characters in the book and find resources that may help them to overcome these challenges. One of the main obstacles to be overcome is the tragic circumstances brought on by domestic violence, especially on children and how it can alter their future if not addressed. Another challenge that will be discussed in this paper is the ability to shake feelings of resentment about the past and insecurity about the future after a life casualty occurs. The three main characters chosen to be discussed are Micah Lambert, Daniela Victor, and Daniela Victor’s father.

The novel “Even Me” is a book that touches the theme of a love journey and community nursing (Irvine, 2014). The social interaction between Micah Lambert and Daniela Victor is driven by love. Micah from their first meeting showed an interest in Daniele. He was attracted to her. The attraction turned out to be mutual and grown into love. Micah wished that he had Daniela by his side. However, their love journey was faced by challenges (Renae, 2011). Some of the challenges affected the individuals while others were positive for both of them. The challenges included mistrust, rejection, suspicion, and domestic violence among many others. The best thing about the challenges was that they all had solutions which needed much attention to be realized. The solutions can be found through various ways of community nursing like it will be evident below.

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Daniela Victor worked in a library where they met with Micah. The reason why Micah was attracted to Daniela was her hospitality. Daniela assisted Micah despite the fact that she never knew him. The assistance made him want to know Daniela closer. This was the start of challenges to Daniela. She believed that men are beasts (Kennedy & Gioia, 2013). Despite Micah’s impairments, she found it hard to trust him. The impairments are evident because Daniela’s workmate referred to Micah as Daniela’s blind prince. Daniela’s mistrust towards men is more evident when she asked Micah, “How do I know you are not some serial killer?” (Irvine, 2014). The mistrust between Daniela and Micah further cultivated after they had planned for their first date at the coffee shop and Micah failed to show up. This made Daniela view herself as a fool; as a result, she lost the trust that had been built initially in the library that day.

Misunderstanding was another challenge that Daniela faced. She misunderstood Micah’s intentions towards her (Morgan, 2009). She saw that Micah was just like the other males who mistreated females. Daniela did not take a chance to look into Micah’s demands and value whether they were genuine. She directly misjudged Micah. Daniela interpreted Micah’s failure to come to the date as his ignorance of the date. She did not consider the reasons why Micah did not appear. In addition, she did not make a call to Micah to confirm what had gone wrong.

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The main challenge in Daniela’s life was her egocentric nature. She valued only her ideas and decisions. She overlooked what others told her. Her workmate, Fraince, gave her advices that could help her; however, she did not follow them. Despite the fact that Fraince tried to convince her that Micah was probably into her, she never believed it.

The solutions to the challenges that Daniela faced are given in the book itself. She could have dealt with mistrust and misunderstanding having a conversation with Micah (Irvine, 2014). As a result, they both could have known each other better. This resource is important since the attempts to talk openly were evident in the book. Micah had asked Daniela for a date so that they can get to know each other closer. They should, therefore, make the date real whereby even Daniela should be responsible in requesting for the dates.

Misunderstanding was another challenge to Micah. Micah misinterpreted Daniela’s actions of assisting him during their first meeting in the library. Literary, she was doing her job as a library attendant. Therefore, it was her role to assist disadvantaged people who visited the library. However, Micah misunderstood Daniela’s kindness, which led to him insisting on the need for them to know each other better.

Daniela’s father also had challenges. Irvine states that he encountered rejection and neglect from her daughter, Daniela. Irvine tells that she had not contacted his father for a month. After her father had called her, she did not pick up the phone until the fourth time it rang. This showed the neglect Daniela was showing to her dad. During the call, the father sounded desperate for his daughter to an extent of even using Daniela’s grandmother as an excuse to bring Daniela back home.

The father’s challenges could be solved through Daniela’s intervention in the family’s affairs. Once Daniela went back to her family, the neglect would be eliminated. In addition, she would take care of her grandmother. This resource is efficient since Daniela cares for her grandmother as she mourns after receiving the news about her illness. This care could be of much assistance to her father if she went home to share his responsibilities (Irvine, 2014).

In conclusion, in the book, Irvine Saint-Vilus portrays the society with challenges. She portrays the possible solutions to the problems of different character. This means that these solutions that can be used by a community nurse to help those in need. The novel revolves around the theme of love; at the same time, it insists on the importance of community nursing. Therefore, from this book, every community should be aware of the potential challenges and the ways to deal with them.


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