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Effective managment is dependent on all organizational members, but particularly those who control the organization. CeOs, as found in the explanatory study of the models, are almost always dominant coalition members. The power and credibility of their office makes their involvement in managment imperative. The CeO generally is the only person capable of speaking for the whole organization; he or she is, literally, the person in charge. "And," as one university president stated, "most donors . . . want the privilege and the opportunity to talk to the person in charge" (Anderson, Hellriegel, and Slocum, 1999). every gift would be easier to raise if the CeO was involved, but then there would be little reason for top officials to designate a department for effective management tactics. Furthermore, the size and complexity that necessitated a staff function in the first place also demand time and attention from the CeO. evidence suggests that about one third of the CeO's time is spent on management ( P. M. Buchanan, 1993). Staff managers, therefore, are selective in directing the attention of the CeO to those situations and opportunities when the person in charge must speak for the organization. Their involvement primarily is with prospects for major gifts. On the other hand, CeOs are dependent on their staff managers (i.e., the relationship is interdependent). If the fund-raising manager does not successfully meet set objectives, the CeO is accountable to the board. When unmet objectives negatively impact program services and operations, the CeO bears responsibility. Professional reputations of CeOs increasingly are tied to fund-raising results. And on a personal level, most CeOs are not trained in fund raising and rely on staff managers for counsel, as well as direction.


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A chief fund raiser and a CeO interviewed by Cook illustrated the working relationship. The fund raiser said, "My role is to be a manager of the process and a manager of the CeO's time and effort in development" (Anderson, Hellriegel, and Slocum,1999). The CeO stated, "I learn from my own staff. I don't hesitate to follow their advice and determination as to what amount of money should be requested, or when, or how, or who" (Brown, 2002).

To build and maintain such a relationship, the staff manager must develop an affinity with the CeO and earn his or her trust and confidence. If need be, the practitioner must educate the CeO about what it takes to raise money. The head of the function helps instill fund raising as an inherent element in everything the CeO does. Unfortunately, such an emphasis can be detrimental to effective management of the function. CeOs often feel pressured to take credit and shortcuts when it comes to attracting private support. CS's CeO, Gary Sanders, stated his management philosophy as follows:"Businesses baby their employees too much these days. We are here to make money, not to make people feel good. I hate people who come to work looking for a "big happy family." What management needs to do is offer workers good money, show them what to do, and keep them on a tight leash. You can forgive a mistake once; the second time, the guy is out the door. Those who are left quickly learn not to mess up."(Bateman and Snell, 2005) ...



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