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A Global Business

I have an urge that compels me towards becoming a global business figure that has undergone nurturing through American educational system. This has been my dream goal that I have worked towards since my realization of my field of interest. Among the steps, that I have accomplished towards this field is doing a business degree that has given me the basic knowledge and the urge to major in this field. I have already participated in various business projects; led various teams of entrepreneurs and educated entrepreneurial clubs through seminars and articles during my past studies. My objectives have a depth in establishing entrepreneurial minds and working with such individuals to unlimited heights. Empowering the youth and being an icon of entrepreneurial success will be my target.

I led a team of entrepreneurs in my former college towards an achievement that has inspired me towards this decision of pursuing majors in business. I was able to research for a viable business opportunity within the college’s vicinity and laid down a detailed plan towards the realization of the business. Upon the selection of a rampart team that possessed the urge of success, we collectively solicited for funds and set up a consultancy business that was a success to the society. In the business, our aim was to offer technical advice and information to young entrepreneurs and scholars who had an interest in setting up business projects. We got involved in the formulation of business plans, collection of data via market research, drafting of business plan and practical implementation of the plan. We offered monitoring and evaluation services to our clients who enabled us rate the success of our achievements. The consultancy firm was not only a success to us through the profits we made, but also a success to the young entrepreneurs who found our business ideas and services productive and profitable. My leadership skills and experience that I got in this activity shaped my knowledge and laid my foundation towards the field business.


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I have an interest in enlightening the marginalized and minority groups in society. My main target is the youth who need empowerment and independency. My plan towards empowering the youth is to be engaged in activities that will offer knowledge, promote and encourage the youth towards the realization of their goals through entrepreneurship. I plan to start form the grass root level to the maximum level of heights in achieving this goal. My immediate target is peers and friends with whom we can collaborate with at both the club and class level to achieve this goal. To achieve this, I will cooperate with both instructors and students at your University in setting up clubs, projects, movements, and seminars that will motivate our target group and give them the required knowledge and ideas. With the help of the University and the Society, I will strive to change the living standards of such people through business projects.

Creativity and an innovative urge has been my companion in my endeavours. I got this inspiration from William Henry Gates, the founder of Microsoft. To enhance this, I need an environment that offers both opportunities and challenges. The opportunities that I direly need include a pool of skilled and technical support as my instructors and a research friendly environment. After studying in America for more than one year, I believe that an American University is all that I need to achieve my goals.

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I kindly request for an admission into your University’s program of business majors. I have strived towards achieving this dream by studying in America for more than a year and engaging in business related projects in my past studies. I believe my innovative, hardworking and creative personality will fit in your system as I work towards my goals. My objectives will incorporate changing the face of business clubs and peers of your University towards entrepreneurship as a tool for success.



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