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Making Critique for a Research Paper a Healthy Academic Exercise

Critiquing a research paper is of extreme academic importance and a very beneficial exercise. It is a keen mark of improvisation and helps to ameliorate the viability of the research. Although it is a bolt from the blue for certain students to accept critique but it proves to be generally supportive for the student’s work. The critique begins with recapitulating the paper and then giving a view on it. It is also important to state if the paper according to the critics opinion was valuable or not assigning reasons for it and also that whether the method adopted was thorough and firm or not.
Critiquing a research paper usually begins with abstract. This kind of paper usually has two rationales. To begin with it has to underscore the implication of the academic exploration that is done, the significance it holds in the acquisition of knowledge that has been made by the research and the raison d'être for doing the research. Mostly abstract is precise and pithy, thereby it becomes essential to mention the sources that have been used.  
Another one of the major prerequisites for the Research paper critique is the presence of a rubric. The most imperative is the principle and first rubric of the paper which should be self explanatory to a large extent, explaining to the reader about the pivotal theme or the subject matter of the paper of research. Further, if any sub rubrics are being made, they should also have the similar ability like the main rubric to explicate the matter written under it. This makes the paper more presentable and readable.  
Few other important assessments can be made for critiquing it on the basis that firstly whether the data mentioned clearly communicates with the question. Secondly, the introduction should reflect the presence of pertinent and applicable information and the introduction should also maintain a thread of connection of the arguments right till the conclusion. {t_essay_3} Thirdly there should be a viable comparison between any arguments mentioned. Fourthly, any labels or graphs or illustrations should be self explanatory explaining the research. Further, research paper critique should not possess the stylistic, grammatical or orthographical errors and the bibliography should be crafted and ostentatious but that which has been genuinely used.  
While critiquing a research paper, it becomes important to think about the sources which have been used to lend academic excellence. It should be placed in a catalogue of references if they are being quoted verbatim or if they are being paraphrased also. One also has to be cautious about the drift of the critique research papers for they have to be corroborated with factual information, evidence and express the possibility and vitality of the research along with making it as much a comprehensive read for the majority as it should be for the professionals reading it.  
Good critique paper writing has the capability to give unbiased arguments and validities highlighting the high points and acme along with the frailties and debility of the analyses.  


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